They are probably using ue5.0 and not using nanite only lumen since it's just plug and play and nanite had some limitations early on and was unproven tech.Yeah the visuals arent exactly consistent. I dont think the game takes full advantage of U5's features. I dont see any use of nanite for the environments. It exhibits low geometry.
The water effects are mediocre too
Jun in 8 is based on the Unknown's moveset btw.
What bothers me a lot is the lack of cohesiveness in the animations. The combinations dont make much sense and are hard to read. Then you have the ton of effects making it even harder to see whats going on
From what I recall they started work on the game in late 2019 which means they probably had months where they were working with ue4, then moved everything over to ue5 once it became available and just lead with that.
I don't know how hard it is to move to different versions of the engine but when your focused on just making a game as fast as possible instead of seeing what you can do with the engine and it's features, the results seem pretty good for what they want to make.