Handheld: CPU 1100.8 MHz, GPU 561 MHz, EMC 2133 MHz
Docked: CPU 998.4 MHz, GPU 1007.25 MHz, EMC 3200 MHz
Apparently this is the complete spec. The CPU frequency doesn't make much sense to me, makes me doubt if there isn't some mistake somewhere.
The info comes from Zachy, a reliable dataminer, so a mistake is unlikely. But it sounds so weird maybe the actual clocks will be different for some reason, Idk, maybe those are clocks for testing purpose only that ended up in a production firmware...
Anyway, let's assume this is the real deal.
GPU clocks in handheld mode are surprisingly ok.
I find it strange that docked clocks are not higher given the hybrid design was taken into consideration from the start. I expected a larger handhled/docked gap than with the Switch.
Seems the target for docked will be 1440p.
Memory clocks must be fine. NVidia engineers must know what bandwith their GPU need, so I guess it will be appropriate for most use cases.
1Ghz CPU in a 2025 console though. That's a bummer. That's lower that my already lowest expectations.
Whatever the reasons, I really feel that's not the best product Nintendo could have offered in 2025 after the Switch exceptional success.
We'll se how this thing and its games are priced... If this ends up being a $400 console with $70 games, I can't see how it could sell as well it's predecessor.