they haven't been competitive since the gamecube in terms of power.
I think the main reasons the switch was popular is 1) Nintendo first party titles 2) its the only portable system in town really 3) the xbox one/ ps4 didn't really add any gpu features that the tegra couldn't do and so it was easy to drop resolution and effect quality to make it work.
I think 1 and 2 are a shoe in for a switch pro. However with 3 if they don't come out with a chip with raytracing and other features they will have a lot more issues as the generation goes on and ray tracing becomes a standard feature on the home consoles.
This is it though with 1 & 2 being true 3 doesn't even matter. I mean the Switch misses out on all sorts of advanced rendering techniques today so who cares if they don't have them tomorrow either?
We're long past the launch hype when people thought Switch would get major 3rd party titles just like the PS4/XB1, it happens but is the exception not the rule. The Witcher 3 is something of a high water mark for these efforts and it is already has markedly lower visual quality than PS4/XB1 but it doesn't matter because portable Witcher. As PS5/XBSn kicks off the same will be true although to be honest I suspect the bigger issue for Switch will not a lack of comparable GPU features in the next gen but the lack of CPU grunt.
The buy will not be effective before 12-18 months, right ? So short term, I don't think it changes a thing for Nintendo.
I should have been clearer on my timelines, I'm not expecting a Switch 2 for at least 3 years so this purchase might effect that somehow but yeah in the near term this changes nothing for Nintendo
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