SWAT for PSP: 3D isometric SWAT action


Artist formely known as Vysez
Link to IGN



I expected this to be a FPS or something. I'm now much more interested in this game.
Ahhh, isometric games; how I miss thee... Somebody needs to ceromoniously torch a 486 and resurrect Syndicate...
Ahhh, isometric games; how I miss thee... Somebody needs to ceromoniously torch a 486 and resurrect Syndicate...
I second this suggestion.

But then again, Syndicate is an EA IP now and Molyneux and co. are not working there at all. So, I wouldn't bet on EA paying the franchise its due respect.
Ahhh, isometric games; how I miss thee... Somebody needs to ceromoniously torch a 486 and resurrect Syndicate...

Syndicate was much more of a RTS strategy than a shooter. As for isometric shooters Crusader: No Remorse comes to my mind which is coincidentally also an EA IP.
Killzone PSP sets a high standard for isometric engines on PSP
just interested, what is disadvantage of isometric action games if anyone knows of any??? (as of its camera angle)
Syndicate was much more of a RTS strategy than a shooter. As for isometric shooters Crusader: No Remorse comes to my mind which is coincidentally also an EA IP.

Didn't say it was a shooter (nor would I care). I just simply miss isometric titles in general, and yes that includes Crusader. Personally I still like my stupid idea of medieval humas vs. steampunk aliens themed version of X-Com...
Killzone PSP sets a high standard for isometric engines on PSP
I've borrowed a PSP and trued to check this out. First of all Sony won't let anyone download demos (far be it to give people a reason to buy some hardware - make sure they own it first) and I had to register. Then I found they'd only download direct to PSP, but the PSP flatly refuses to connect to my network. So much for that idea!

I loved the original X-Com concept. Turn based tactical isometric is very cool. Wouldn't even need to be isometric in a remake, as long as it's tiled based and turn based.
I've borrowed a PSP and trued to check this out. First of all Sony won't let anyone download demos (far be it to give people a reason to buy some hardware - make sure they own it first) and I had to register. Then I found they'd only download direct to PSP, but the PSP flatly refuses to connect to my network. So much for that idea!

You should plug the PSP directly into the USB port of the PC you are downloading on. Then the download will proceed and be installed in the right place on your PSP straight away.

If you can't manage (should be easy enough), just tell me and I can get you the file directly.

I loved the original X-Com concept. Turn based tactical isometric is very cool. Wouldn't even need to be isometric in a remake, as long as it's tiled based and turn based.

Killzone PSP isn't tile nor turn based though - it's fairly nice and fluid action with all sorts of weapons and even some fun ragdoll physics. Graphics are very smooth. The game is on my list of 'buy-when-hits-budget-price' purchases. That list is getting pretty long. I really don't like to pay 50 euros for a PSP game (a few notable exceptions excluded). It's a difficult matter.

The demo has a crossbow with explosive projectiles, which are extremely fun.
You should plug the PSP directly into the USB port of the PC you are downloading on. Then the download will proceed and be installed in the right place on your PSP straight away.
Thanks. That worked fine. The demo was...um...short. Don't see the point of it myself.
Killzone PSP isn't tile nor turn based though
Sure, I understood that. It'd be nice to see some games go back to the XCom way though. KZL would be an ideal candidate. Managing a squad is very different gameplay from the action shooter.
Thanks. That worked fine. The demo was...um...short. Don't see the point of it myself.

Yeah, it's a shame the demo doesn't give you an example of how managing a team would work, since that is in the full game and apparently done really well. The game has some decent reviews - shame that they're not delivering on the promised online gameplay that would be added on later. I guess everyone is working on Killzone 2 now.
Okay, off topic now, but I connected onto the network successfully (had to enable 802.11b on the router) and got to try out the internet services. PSN's download network service is pretty much a joke. Hardly any demos, and what is there is so short as to not be worth bothering with. The videos and music are limited and targetted at a very narrow demographic. This has to be the most undersupported platform in history! All the potential there, for masses of media and content and services, and in over two years Sony have provided next to nothing. For EDI games, there can't be a better platform on the planet! Potential for large titles downloaded on demand. Calling All Cars and Flow and all that jazz would fit the platform fantastically, yet it's lucky to see a miniscule demo of 1 in 20 titles. And it seems even Sony's own websites don't support PSP directly either. Why not enable music browsing on www.connect.com? A crazy company!
I agree with you partly, but you do have to understand that for Sony, the PSP has been the first platform for this kind of thing and it has been using it as a test bed initially for the PS3, right down to the browser, XMB and downloadable PS1 games. I'm fairly sure that big stuff like the Playstation Store, Connect and so on however will come to both. Sure, they could have taken a bigger lead, but they have been catching up quite seriously. I think just about all features in Home will come to the PSP as well.

I agree that they are late and that they could have done much more, but they are not standing still. The delay is caused by the time it takes Sony to move from a hardware only company to more and more a software company, not just in terms of their external studios, but in terms of providing features and content all across its divisions.

Things do look like they are going into the right direction though and by the next holiday I expect we will be able to see the results of the serious progress they have been making over the last few years.
I agree they're heading there. Or at least are aiming in that direction. But the lack of content 2+ years on is shocking. What's stopping them adding PSP support to Connect, for direct download of titles? That's not a huge undertaking. Do that for now until you have the fancy all-in-one solution ready. And why have so few demos, and have them so limited? They created the existing PSP portal, and then decided not to add content. Why go to the effort of creating 'yourpsp' then? I feel like they started work on PSP's services and then management said 'stop that and do this instead', leaving a very unfinished product. This approach has meant the platform has suffered, and I can't see any sense to it.

I'll end my rant here. Suffice to say when a demo for SWAT comes out, I won't download it because it'll be too short and lacking in explanations and instructions!
Well, actually some demos are quite good. The Race Driver 3 demo isn't bad (3 different race modes you can test), and I enjoyed the MotoGP demo a lot too. There are no less than 3 loco roco demos and they're pretty decent size levels. Especially the first one that was released for download contains a lot of the elements of the final game, and you'll have plenty of fun before you've achieved that level at 100%. World Tour Soccer or whatever its called has 3 game modes to test too, quite a decent amount of fun to be had there. And even the Killzone demo, while not terribly long, does have a decent amount of weapons to test, and it has a multiplayer demo, which is more than you generally get - and that multiplayer demo is actually a lot of fun too. The Mercury Meltdown demo has three levels of increasing difficulty and with different goals to achieve, and although I don't like the game that much, it's a good size demo imho. Sure, there are other demos not so good, like very limited Ridge Racer 2 demo, or the really dumb Monkey Ball or whatever it is called with ridiculously pointless multiplayer on one psp games. But overall, I think the downloadable demo thing isn't that pointless. ;) I'm certainly very happy with it, as I've actually played some of these demos a fair bit (MotoGP one was a good challenge to actually win the race in just those two laps, but pleasingly enough, after a few hours of effort, it turned out to be possible, which is very satisfying, and the WTC and especially Loco Roco demoes have been played plenty, and the Killzone demo is great for multiplayer fun)
Any chances this game will have Infrastructure Co-op? That was a primary reason for me considering getting a PSP, and having just researched it, it seems PSP isn't the platform for that at all. Few games support infrastrcture mode, and of those that do, mostly it's PvP. Even titles co-op on Ad Hoc, or multiplayer on other consoles like Justice League Heroes, don't have internet co-op on PSP. Sports and Racing seem to be the only titles that care to add this feature.

Why oh why is co-op such an under-represented feature? To me, it's no wonder most console owners don't care to game online! You still need to go 'round a mate's to play together.
I agree they're heading there. Or at least are aiming in that direction. But the lack of content 2+ years on is shocking. What's stopping them adding PSP support to Connect, for direct download of titles? That's not a huge undertaking. Do that for now until you have the fancy all-in-one solution ready. And why have so few demos, and have them so limited? They created the existing PSP portal, and then decided not to add content. Why go to the effort of creating 'yourpsp' then? I feel like they started work on PSP's services and then management said 'stop that and do this instead', leaving a very unfinished product. This approach has meant the platform has suffered, and I can't see any sense to it.

Well it's not 2 years... It wasn't 'till 2.71 that the PSP even got electronic software distribution support relatively hammered out. As for Connect, what would they do? It's a completely separate organization with little interaction w/SCE... And even if they wanted to it would require SCE to not hold it's eggs quite so close. There's so few demos probably because so few studios feel like taking the time out to produce demos suitable for public distribution. Sony can't create shit out of thin air you know...