Surprise - Fatal Frame2 scarier and better than Silent Hill

Finished FF2, on easy setting :) , got E rating. Story was great...touching, and ending song was good too. those jungles are amazing....
london-boy said:
How is Dark Water? Was very tempted to rent it the other day...

Also, how are Ring 0 and Ring 2 (prequel and sequel of the original one) compared to Ring(1)?

I thought it was pretty good for any horror movie. You might also try "The Eye"
Does that mean that FF1 runs at 60FPS and FF2 runs at 30? Or that the framerate is simply inconsistent in FF2? Btw, is there a perceivable reason for that? Have they improved anything in the engine, like shadows or lighting, that made the framerate worse?

The fps are the same to me. :oops: smoooth as any horror title needs to run. Graphix look the same, same situation with SH2 -> SH3, higher polygons. so of teh realtime cutscenes look very nice. You might call me bias but i feel that FF2 graphix are sharper than SH3. It is cleaner too. :oops: Considering that FF2 runs a full 3D(can play in FPS mode) streaming engine(no loading!), pretty impressive. :)