Surprise - Fatal Frame2 scarier and better than Silent Hill

Fafalada said:
maskrider said:
I haven't seen light through walls yet. May be I am too early in the game.
When you find the flashlight(if you haven't yet), one of the first thing you'll notice it that it shines through walls - just try it.
The other thing - directly connected to the above, is that the light from the torch doesn't cast any shadows whatsoever.

Ummmm... the torch does cast a shadow, as you can see at the center of the PS2 screenshot (and in game, the shadow is not static if you move your torch).

For the light through walls, need to check later.
maskrider said:
Ummmm... the torch does cast a shadow, as you can see at the center of the PS2 screenshot (and in game, the shadow is not static if you move your torch).
Character have shadows, nothing else.
And I'm not entirely sure (I only have little playtime myself), but from what I remember the flashlight doesn't correctly affect character shadows either.

londonboy said:
I guess SH is still king then. Weird since even SH2 (more than 2 years old no) already cast shadows when using the flashlight... And not only SH2...
I am sure they had reasons for design choices the game makes, but yeah, SH series is quite a bit more advanced in those areas.
The other thing - directly connected to the above, is that the light from the torch doesn't cast any shadows whatsoever.

Character have shadows, nothing else.
And I'm not entirely sure (I only have little playtime myself), but from what I remember the flashlight doesn't correctly affect character shadows either.

Faf, you are correct in that no the lighting model (if you can call it that) doesn't handle shadows. However Tecmo appears to have hacked a few istances where certain enviromental objects do cast shadows (kinda looks like projected geometry to me). the room in the beginng and the temple courtyard spring to mind.
I remember seeing shadows even in the FF1 demo, on some objects when I lit them with the flashlight. It wasn't global like in SH3, though.

Faf, in the meantime I've heard many nice things about FF2 graphics, like how it uses effects and such. Is there any truth to that?
like I said I also haven't played very far yet, but from what I've seen, the gameplay graphics are ok (the lighting model could use some work, but other stuff isn't too bad).
Cutscenes have some nifty effects though - hard to describe, but it's in vein of classic Japanese horror movies, playing with camera effects, going in/out of focus etc. There's also nice subtle use of noise filter, and ghosts look cool.

The part I don't like is character facial animations - they are very stiff and only make them look even more like plastic dolls - coupled with the usual shaky english voice acting it's hard to be emphatic about your character at all :|
The part I don't like is character facial animations - they are very stiff and only make them look even more like plastic dolls - coupled with the usual shaky english voice acting it's hard to be emphatic about your character at all

faf, I under the assumption that (givent he correlating theme of the 2 titles) that this is at least in part intentional.

Yes, the beginning. Here is a video showing the shadows.

man you really like capturing this stuff! :)
faf, I under the assumption that (givent he correlating theme of the 2 titles) that this is at least in part intentional.
While that's a convenient excuse (oh it's for the artstyle!!!), I have a hard time buying in this case because the facial animation looks exactly the same as in every other Tecmo game since (and including) DOA2.

Unless of course, their animators have always been planning this ;)
How does Siren (or Forbidden Siren, whatever) compare to this and SH series then? Not only in graphics of course...

I need some scary things, my life is getting flat-line-y boring.
Fafalada said:
faf, I under the assumption that (givent he correlating theme of the 2 titles) that this is at least in part intentional.
While that's a convenient excuse (oh it's for the artstyle!!!), I have a hard time buying in this case because the facial animation looks exactly the same as in every other Tecmo game since (and including) DOA2.

Unless of course, their animators have always been planning this ;)

But aren't all the chars in Tecmo games look like dolls ? They all look like dolls to me, but they are some beautiful and hot dolls.
london-boy said:
How does Siren (or Forbidden Siren, whatever) compare to this and SH series then? Not only in graphics of course...

I need some scary things, my life is getting flat-line-y boring.

You will certainly love Forbidden Siren if you want some scares and intense gameplay.
maskrider said:
But aren't all the chars in Tecmo games look like dolls ?
Anime dolls yeah, but that doesn't mean they should look completely lifeless and dull.
ToyStory has dolls for characters too but they are also very lifelike. I don't mind that in a fighting game(I always liked DOA2), but adventure games usually need some sympathizing with main character to really immerse you into the story and so far FF2 hasn't succeeded with that for me.
I think it would also work better as a scary game if I can actually care about my character.

They all look like dolls to me, but they are some beautiful and hot dolls.
Fair enough :)
But if I just cared about hot dolls that don't animate too well I'd be better off playing Illusion soft games, they let you do... stuff... with them too :LOL:
Fair enough
But if I just cared about hot dolls that don't animate too well I'd be better off playing Illusion soft games, they let you do... stuff... with them too

now that is just naughty. I hope you aren't playing games like Battle Rapper and Biko 2 our i'd have to shake a very mean guilt inducing finger at you.
Anyway I like the direction style of FF2 (it's classic japanese horror style), but graphically it's a simplistic game, especially compared to any other offering in the genre.

I am very glad you noticed the japanese esque horror. Are you a fan of Hideo Nakata's films? Have you watch Ringu or Dark Water?
How is Dark Water? Was very tempted to rent it the other day...

Also, how are Ring 0 and Ring 2 (prequel and sequel of the original one) compared to Ring(1)?
london-boy said:
How is Dark Water? Was very tempted to rent it the other day...

Also, how are Ring 0 and Ring 2 (prequel and sequel of the original one) compared to Ring(1)?

I haven't watched Dark Water yet. I have watched the Ring series and I think only the original one "The Ring" is the best, the others are trying to milk on the same concept but the atmosphere is not quite the same.

And heh ! I am playing Zero (Fatal Frame) at the moment, pretty cool indeed.
Legion said:
now that is just naughty. I hope you aren't playing games like Battle Rapper and Biko 2 our i'd have to shake a very mean guilt inducing finger at you.
The fact that we both know exactly what those games are is bad enough already don't you think? :LOL:

I am very glad you noticed the japanese esque horror. Are you a fan of Hideo Nakata's films? Have you watch Ringu or Dark Water?
I'm quite fond of that style of movies yes. I've watched several Ring movies, but the movie that stuck with me the most recently is Juon - theatrical release (I know it's a different director, but the style is similar, with nastier psychological horror side).
Incidentially aside for it being a good movie, the original Ring provides very good material for cross culturual studies :p Namely there are 3 versions now (Korean, US, Japanese) and while they all follow the exact same story, each of them is uniquely identified by a few modifications that are clearly adapted for the target market.
How is Dark Water? I haven't seen that one yet.

LondonBoy said:
Also, how are Ring 0 and Ring 2 (prequel and sequel of the original one) compared to Ring(1)?
There are two alternate sequels to The Ring - Ring 2 and Rasen, and the latter is considered by most of the fanbase to be the TRUE sequel, so I suggest you check that one first.
Ring 0 is a disgrace to the series though - Think of it as what Episode 2 is to the original StarWars trilogy.
Well at least you didn't say Episode 1. :p ;)

(Though actually, I don't think I know which one was worse anymore. <sigh> )