Super Mario Galaxy intro video. Contains MASSIVE SPOILERS!

That is if you're one of those people who play Mario games for plot. If you do play Mario for it's epic twisting plot of love, betrayal, and honor, do not watch the video below.

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Gametrailers sure seems slow today... Must be because of those new Solid Snake in Brawl videos...

Man, today has been epic for Wii...
If he still only has those three-four repetitive sounds for jumping, I may have to smack them. :p There ARE some Mario elements that need updating!
You have to admire Nintendo's simplicity. Use the same characters in the same plot every time, and then you don't have to worry about coming up with anything new other than gameplay ;) Which is fair enough in a gameplay driven game that makes no pretence at being a story or competitor to the movies.
That looked nice, don't like Mario’s animation though
Well that's quite a bummer then considering you'll be watching him and his animations for hours and hours and hours if you play the game! ;)

I won't spoil myself though. I'll wait with watching the intro until I can see it in glorious SDTV-res on ym TV, rofl..

Sure beats blocky internet streamed video. And I won't feel frustrated either because I can't start playing the game right after watching the intro if I was to look at the gametrailers version heh heh.
This will be the game that forces me to get a Wii. and subsequently, hug a tree, wear hemp clothing and support gay rights :(
Well, just played the game in a kiosk. All the cutscenes are rendered in real-time 60fps (unlike the movie in the OP's post, which was using a Flash movie to start with). That one up close shot with the Bowser flag seems to be FMV (with transparency) overlayed running at around the same frames, but it only goes by so quickly at to make its point. The the animation is silky smooth and definately does contend with most other games out there.

I've already gotten 2 of the 3 stars visible on the first galaxy and I could already feel that the next levels will be succeeding in difficulty based on what I could perform. Stomping is given emphasis for pros as stomping goombas instead of spining them will yield you coins, which somehow contribute to your high score.
And for those of you who want to see the extended version of the prologue/intro (Cam footage, but higher quality, no less) to see what I mean...

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Gametrailers has about 18 minutes of footage. I've never really played any Mario game, and watching the first few minutes is annoying as hell... then in the second movie I've started to understand some of the expectations about the game, very clever puzzles there. But it's still too much for me, I guess I haven't taken enough psychedelic mushrooms so far... ;)
Eurogamer has their review up here, they seem to like it.

I personally have never gotten more than 10 minutes out of a platform game. :)
This is the first Mario game ever which has bits of graphics that I appreciate. So far all they have done is make me nausious, but this time some of the transparancy effects on planets and judicious use of lighting, and details like the colored flags in the intro, and even the water, looks quite pretty. That's an amazing achievement, considering my long standing dislike of any art (and some gameplay) from the Mario multiverse.
Wow, 1UP were raving about this on 1UP-Yours this week. Basically, what really made it sink in was they mentioned the 8.5 they gave R+C, and how they copped a lot of feedback for it. Then Shane (who is known for being a little Sony-sided on occasion) said something along the lines of "well, when you play SMG, you really will understand exactly why this game deserved a much higher score - and this really is a much better game." It also makes you smile at sites getting criticised for trying to use the full range of scores, rather than keeping 95% of games between 80 and 100.

Now I'm reconsidering my Wii purchase... if only these games looked better on HD LCD's. Hopefully I can convince some Wii-owning friends to buy and let me borrow.
It's also interesting to note that apparently at 1up they are using cross-platform referenced score systems. This is getting more common it seems, although it's use for people who only own one platform may be a bit less.
It's also interesting to note that apparently at 1up they are using cross-platform referenced score systems. This is getting more common it seems, although it's use for people who only own one platform may be a bit less.
I would have thought a cross-platform reference would be the smartest way to go.

If you only own one platform, and depend on reviews... buy the best scoring games on that platform and ignore the others. If you bought a system with lower review scores than other platforms, and want your scores bumped up accordingly... well, maybe you should have done your homework beforehand ;)

Is this game confirmed for Euro/PAL Christmas? MP3 still isn't out here :cry:
My Wii-owning friend has been playing MP3 for a couple of weeks now (in the UK).

I like the look of SMG, but I do think Wii suffers too much from rim-lighting (and related shading) fetish. In some cases it looks plain stupid, like a pale outline to an object. I hope it doesn't become as ubiquitous as excessive bloom.
Is this game confirmed for Euro/PAL Christmas? MP3 still isn't out here :cry:

MP3 was released on Oct. 26th in Euope. I don't know what happened to Australian release date.

As for SMG, it's scheduled for Nov. 16th in EU and Nov 29th in Australia.