StreetWars - London

nintenho said:

Fucking awesome.
They played this at my Uni (when I was there about 20ish years ago) except you had to use the regulation issue water pistol. There were so many paranoid people...sneaking into lectures in disguise, living somewhere else etc etc.
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Simon F said:
They played this at my Uni except you had to use the regulation issue water pistol. There were so many paranoid people...sneaking into lectures in disguise, living somewhere else etc etc.
It's a phenomenon! I want to do this. Damn boring summer here. It'd be fun to just shoot some brainfarts. Not that I hate people but that'd be fun. Okay I'm rambling I'll shut up.
Funily enough, there was an episode of "Law & Order" recently shown here that features this game played in New York. Only one of the contestants had been killed for real and they were trying to track down who did it and why.