Stranglehold info in the new GI (PC/X360/PS3)

Qroach said:
...and there it is again.
1)It was aimed to the quality of the game's graphics not to discuss if "cencored" is achievable.
2)Nobody complained when I said in a GOW thread that it looked almost as kood as "censored"
3)I can change "censored" with something else if you like.The edit button does wonders

GB123 said:
It's laughable that someone would compare this to KZ.

I can't see why anyone would look at that and think its better than UT2007, i think you need to go look at UT2007 screens again.

Care to explain why it's laughable?Atleast its not as laughable as to say that its not impressive

Yes it is.It's got a whole lot of destructible enviroments displayied in the screenshots, the character looks realistic and the enviroments more natural, whereas UT2007 looks plastic like, without the same indication of enviroment interactivity, and an over usage of bump mapping instead of higher polygon models.
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Nesh said:
Yes it is.It's got a whole lot of destructible enviroments displayied in the screenshots, the character looks realistic and the enviroments more natural, whereas UT2007 looks plastic like, without the same indication of enviroment interactivity, and an over usage of bump mapping instead of higher polygon models.

Yes over used bump mapping is not cool.
therealskywolf said:
it doesn't hold a candle.

doesn't hold a candle? the backgrounds are far superior to MGS4, and the character models are as good if not better than GOW.

The game itself sounds pretty crappy to me though...max payne 3?
scooby_dooby said:
doesn't hold a candle? the backgrounds are far superior to MGS4, and the character models are as good if not better than GOW.

The game itself sounds pretty crappy to me though...max payne 3?

I agree with your first statements but pretty crappy game? And what's wrong with a Max Payne 3? Totally destructive environments, with real physics and none disappearing objects sound nice to me.
mckmas8808 said:
I agree with your first statements but pretty crappy game? And what's wrong with a Max Payne 3? Totally destructive environments, with real physics and none disappearing objects sound nice to me.

the destructable stuff sounds cool, but my gut feeling is this will be a fairly generic action game with really good graphics, I hope it brings something new to the table other than just destructable environments and purty GFX..

i dunno I'm just not a huge action beat 'em up/button masher fan, I like MaxPayne1, even dead to rights...but now it's just getting old.
zeckensack said:
Where are they?
Are they not safe to link from here because of copyrights, or what's wrong?

They are a lot smaller in size. Not sure you will like the smaller size. And the forum they are on makes you sign up.:rolleyes: