State of the Union Comments Here...


I was hoping there was already a thread on this. My #1 comment (and you'll understand if you watched the first 20 minutes):

covermye said:
I was hoping there was already a thread on this. My #1 comment (and you'll understand if you watched the first 20 minutes):


Agreed. I couldn't help but wonder if Ted looked like he wanted a drink or two with the damage control they're going to have to unleash to even attempt to coverup the actual speech, which was amazingly written IMHO. ;)

We'll see what the media regurgitated responce is tomorrow.
covermye said:
I was hoping there was already a thread on this. My #1 comment (and you'll understand if you watched the first 20 minutes):

Wow, i was quite shocked at teddies neck fat dripping over his collar. Im suprised he didnt have an open bar on his desk. ;)

digitalwanderer said:
I couldn't watch it, what did Teddy do?

Well most of the time, if the President mentions a program or initiative that is partisan, you'll only get an ovation from the side (left or right) that supported it. The cameras will then show some people from the side NOT clapping just to see their reactions. Most just sit there and smile, or at least look ALIVE.

Kennedy sat with his arms crossed and an evil scowl on his face all night, like he was trying to use his Vulcan mind powers to make the President have a stroke on stage by staring at him for so long. Even when the HUGE MEDICARE bill that was recently passed was mentioned, he just sat and stared hatefully. (I'm going by memory here) But the best came when the President mentioned progress in Iraq, and that actual progress is being made, that the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives taken at the hands of Saddam will not be forgotten, and that the "former leader of Iraq was found in a hole, and now sits in a jail cell." At that comment, most of the crowd stood and applauded, but when the showed Kennedy, he not only continued his cross-armed stare, but was actually shaking his head back and forth, even after he was aware the camera was on him (or was he? He could have been under the influence AGAIN). For cryin' out loud, even Hillary clapped at that part.

I don't know. I have NO IDEA how this guy is still in office. MAROON is the only word that comes to mind.
What a shock. People disagreed with what the President was saying and visibly showed their displeasure. Amazing. :)

Seriously though, I thought the State of the Union did exactly what Bush needed it to do, i.e. lay out his vision for this country. However much I disagree with it, I think he succeeded in that regard.

On the flip side of the coin I found myself mumbling about most of the things he spoke about as "successes". Ok not mumbling, but out and out cursing. :LOL:

There was only one part that really got my blood boiling however, and I'm sure you guys can pretty much figure that one out rather easily.

p.s.: I found it quite hilarious that Bush tripped up and/or laughed when he first mentioned Weapons of Mass Destruction, and then again when he mentioned that the Deficit would be cut in half over the next 5 years. Of course part of that laughter came from the heckling he was receiving, but the timing in the speech was rather hysterical imo. :LOL:
You sound like idiots if you give Bush a whole lot of credit for the speech he didn't write. Tyhe medicare bill sucked, and both democrats and republicans agreed that it sucked, they also agreed that they were to afraid to actually oppose it.

I saw an interview with the speechwriter and I was amazed at some of the stuff she said, not that it was bad, but it surely could have loooked bad if twisted and I would think a speechwriter of all people would think of that while talking.

Basically she talked about how he doesn't like changes to his speech b/c after he gets used to it in advance he doesn't want to introduce new ideas and what not. She compared him to President Clinton who changed his speech up to the point he gave it, and to President Reagan who did as well. In any case she wasn't saying he was dumb, but I guess that he got nervous or something (which isn't how he comes across).

I am glad that kennedy got an award from bush Senior, it makes Bush look like a smart guy.
Don't take me out of context, guys. I should have known better than to even mention it. Half the damned crowd showed disagreement... it was the very (IMO) unprofessional way that Kennedy was doing it that makes him an idiot.

I WELCOME disagreement and discussion on any and every political topic. That's what makes America what it is.

If you watched the coverage, you saw what I was talking about re: Kennedy and it bears no further discussion. Wait... does each network have its own camera there, or are they all going off the same feed? I watched it on Fox... I guess if there were different cameras for each network (I assumed this was NOT the case), it's possible that you didn't see what I saw if you were watching through another network.

But again, don't make the ignorant assumption that I think Kennedy's an idiot for disagreeing with Bush. That's just stupid.
The networks were all going off one feed.

Btw, don't mind my sarcasm. Sometimes I think it doth go too far. :)

p.s.: Yes K.I.L.E.R, my sig is purely sarcasm. :)
I think the democrat leadership rhetoric/hyperbole afterward was unproffesional.

McCauliff stated it was the "worst state of the union speech in history".

Daschle complained about things that weren't even in the speech (as if they were)

p.s. neither Pelosi or Daschle are very good speech givers. Their delivery was almost as stilted as GWBush's is.
digitalwanderer said:
I thought we were an oligarchy since Bush was coronated.... :|
Let me put you on the spot. Who elects the president? Please dont look it up. If you dont know just say so.
