Star Wars: Jedi Survivor [XBSX|S, PC, PS5]

I think the reason why UI with Frame Gen is screwy in Jedi Survivor is because they include the colour in the UI buffer, not sure if this is game implementation issue or just the Nvidia plugin


It's optional but this is what NV says in the docs
- Should only contain pixels that denote the UI/HUD, along with appropriate alpha values (described below)
- Alpha is zero on all pixels that do not have UI on them
- Alpha is non-zero on all pixels that do have UI on them
- RGB is as close as possible to respecting the following blending formula: UI.RGB x UI.Alpha + (1 - UI.Alpha) x Hudless.RGB = Final_Color.RGB
- When appropriate buffer extents are not provided, needs to have the same dimensions as the color backbuffer

I think in the case above it might be better to not pass that buffer at all.
The dlssg dll resolves the UI issue, but the framepacing is still not good enough. The fps is quite consistent at the Koboh saloon area but there seem to be issues with the double-Rancor fight having massive slowdowns.

edit: The slowdown is in all fractured echos I have tried( the dual Ogdos and another fight in Koboh ) and is due to DLSS itself and not FG as I was guessing.
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I tried this since it´s on gamepass now. I played I bit of the first but got bored with it pretty quickly, and I was hoping this one would have fixed the issues I had with the first.

First of all it looks gorgeus and have a nice star wars feel. I like the design of Casper or whatever his name is and his robot. During the tutorial fighting sequence I thought the fighting felt awesome with all the awesome lightsaber animations. But pretty soon after that I felt pretty much as I did about the first game.

The game and levels look very real but are designed and plays very gamey which I feel conflicts with the cinematic presentation and what I want the game to be. The levels feel like something from a platform game, and if you take away the gorgeous visual thats what they are. I dont feel like Im exploring a real place.

Other stuff slows down the flow of the game, especially the souls inspired systems:
-meditation points, which seem to be the only way to get new health items, but these respawn enemies. This also takes away from this feeling like a real place
-back tracking to open new doors, having to use the minimap
-missing a jump and dying takes away from your health which you can only get back by meditating. Sometimes its unclear if you can make a jump or not.

Combat seems rather clunky. Maybe Im spoiled from games like Tsushima, but I thought fights were too chaotic. I could loose most of my health in a few seconds, and with all the stuff going on with lots of enemies you have to read, people blasting at you from afar etc, it felt more like luck. I didnt feel like I was in control and being an awesome jedi.

I think they should skip all the souls inspired crap, take notes from Tsuhimas fighting and just do star wars in space.
I gave this another try. The starwars paint looks awesome, but I find soooo boring.
I got to the first boss, the feel of the combat is just frustrating to me.

Anyone else feel this way?