Star Wars: Jedi Survivor [XBSX|S, PC, PS5]

Console vs PC comparison in this game is interesting. At native 1440p max RT settings, a 2070 Super delivers a locked 30fps most of the time, which is significantly more than PS5, and the PC is using higher settings, higher resolution, and is plagued by CPU bottlenecks when using RT.

At native 1080p, the 2070 Super is a 43ish fps performer.

An avg of 31 and a min of 24 is not a mostly locked 30. Not even close.
i have a problem with this game (and redfall)
My 4070 limit itself to 90-110w randomly (it seems)
i see no reason for that (temp, cpu or else)
ex :
WhatsApp Image 2023-06-24 à 15.13.53.jpg
Is someone aware of a problem like this ? (and possibly a fix if there is one)
I bought it in the summer sale.
It's the only game that runs absolutely horrendous on my system...
I get that my CPU (9900K) is old by todays standards, but I didn't expect it to be that bad...
It's a shame, because the game is really good.

Awesome! Sounds like a pretty major patch. DLSS on the PC is obviously a big deal, although no mention of whether it's 2 or 3 strangely.

Must admit I'm a bit jealous of those console performance improvement though... how come they get "completely reworked performance" and PC only gets "Additional performance & optimization improvements" :{ hopefully it's just wording and we see big uplifts on the PC side too, or a future update may go further on the PC.

Patch 7 for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor arrives today for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X | S.
Here are the fixes you can expect with this patch:
  • This patch introduces several performance-related improvements* on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S including:
    • Performance mode has been completely reworked to substantially improve player experience.
      • A number of GPU and CPU optimizations – along with disabling Ray Tracing – has resulted in a better player experience, including a solid 60 FPS in Performance mode.
    • Quality Mode has also received optimizations to help reduce FPS fluctuation and introduce other visual improvements.
  • Variable Refresh Rate support added for PS5.
  • Additional performance & optimization improvements for PC, including DLSS support.
  • Save system tweaks to help prevent save game corruption.
  • Fixed issues where players could not retrieve their XP after dying under certain circumstances.
  • Various crash fixes.
  • Various bug fixes & improvements across all platforms, including fixes for cloth, lighting, and UI.
Must admit I'm a bit jealous of those console performance improvement though... how come they get "completely reworked performance" and PC only gets "Additional performance & optimization improvements" :{ hopefully it's just wording and we see big uplifts on the PC side too, or a future update may go further on the PC.

This is one of the rare instances in the last several years where the game sold disproportionately more on consoles than PC. This did abysmall numbers on steam. So they probably had the pc build at the bottom of their priorities
This is one of the rare instances in the last several years where the game sold disproportionately more on consoles than PC. This did abysmall numbers on steam. So they probably had the pc build at the bottom of their priorities
That's not it. Optimizations were done for all platforms and it runs better on PC now as well generally, though seemingly not everywhere. Console performance is just typically easier to demonstrate.

People who were having problems with stutter dont seem to be saying that's improved at all, though. Probably the bigger issue. General performance was never that bad.