Star Wars 1313

@DieH@rd Visceral is already working on a single-player Star Wars game. They hired Amy Hennig from Naughty Dog to be the writer/creative director. They've been working on it since at least 2014.
She was the director of Uncharted 1 and co-director of Uncharted 2 and 3. Makes sense.

I just hope she'll realize gameplay of those types of games have dramatically evolved since UC1, 2 & 3 (IMO all 3 games have exactly the same copy pasted formula). For instance TLOU, TR2013 and TR2015 have being released after her UC trilogy...

This narrative could be also applied to UC4.
There was a news that Jade Reymond's new studio "Motive" was created so that she can create new open world "a la Assassins Creed" franchise for EA. It was confirmed that this studio will also help Visceral in creation of Amys new SW game.