Spider vs Ajax


Retarded moron
There is this really huge spider in my toilet.
The thing is I was taking a dump, then it came running really fast on the side of the toilet walls.

I jumped so hard that piss and crap went all over the floor and my pants(in the washing now). I had to wipe my ass near the kitchen bin and threw the toilet paper there.
To this time the toilet also remains un-flushed.
To kill it I got a bottle full of Ajax and started to shake throw it across the hallway, into the toilet and onto the spider.

Will Ajax kill the spider in time?
In time for what?

One thing I real don't miss about Australia is the freakin spiders. As a Melbournian we have to live with Huntsmans everywhere as well as all the common house spiders, garden spiders, red backs, white tails etc. Living in the US now I think I've seen like 2 spiders in the last year and they were daddy-long legs.
In time for what?

One thing I real don't miss about Australia is the freakin spiders. As a Melbournian we have to live with Huntsmans everywhere as well as all the common house spiders, garden spiders, red backs, white tails etc. Living in the US now I think I've seen like 2 spiders in the last year and they were daddy-long legs.

Where you live? I often run into spiders such as brown recluse and I've seen over my life time around 20 black widows. Other wise just some huge wolf spiders and mostly daddy-long legs.

I hate spiders, I really do. If I see them I literally go berserk and I will not come back down till all are dead.
There is this really huge spider in my toilet.
The thing is I was taking a dump, then it came running really fast on the side of the toilet walls.

I jumped so hard that piss and crap went all over the floor and my pants(in the washing now). I had to wipe my ass near the kitchen bin and threw the toilet paper there.
To this time the toilet also remains un-flushed.
To kill it I got a bottle full of Ajax and started to shake throw it across the hallway, into the toilet and onto the spider.

Will Ajax kill the spider in time?

This is the best story I ever read. Ever.

Personally, 5.56 is generally good for disposing of arachnids.
They hiss too. :devilish:

I present you clockspider:

Well they breathe trough their skin but I doubt Ajax will help.

This reminds me of the "are we alone thread": We have a spider here which occupied a part of your house/flat in a peaceful manner. I'd call that intelligent. :D So go ahead and negotiate!
Wow, I am SO glad I do not live there. I could not handle that at all, I would simply freak.
Wow, I am SO glad I do not live there. I could not handle that at all, I would simply freak.

I'd treat that thing like a home invader and give it three warnings before I filled it with eight rounds.

Look at that damn thing. YOU KNOW it laughs at bullets.
I live in mid Pennsylvania now. Maybe it's the cold weather during winter? Dunno.

Yeah the Hunstmans are disgusting things, and grow quite large (I've seen one easily 15cm legspan). I lived in a house for a short period where there would be literally 2-3 in each room at a time, didn't stay there long. They scurry around the place and make these vile webs that have no form and are often brownish in color (the web that is). They aren't dangerous at all, their bite can hurt a bit but you only get a nasty rash from the venom.

My boss at my old work used to pick them up when he finds them around the office and carry them around on his shoulder *shudders*.

I also remember being out in the bush with some mates and sitting around the fire underneath a big eucalyptus tree (they're arboreal spiders) and after awhile we'd get huntsmans falling down from the tree straight into the fire and around it, which we'd just flick into the flames. Guess they were attracted to the light or the smoke was nauseous to them.

Buggers are hard to kill as well, they're quite flat and fairly hardy to bashing. Beaten hundreds of them to death with shoes over the years.
Over the last 10 years australian white tails have become more common here :-/
Not the nicest of creatures. I mean most other spiders we have are basically harmless, but a bite from a white tail can (in a real bad case) cause amputation or even death if you don't get it dealt to quick. Although I just looked up and we have huntsman spiders here too :p

We also have these really creepy ones that drop down on their prey from above. Once, I was lying in bed half asleep on a *very* quiet night, and heard some really light tapping on the ceiling. Then I heard a 'thik' sound, and something moving through the air, then I felt something land on the sheet over my feet... I turned on the light, and there was this spider making it's way directly towards my head.

That said we do have our own giant spiders (the spiders used in the arachnophobia movie were apparently NZ spiders - and ironically totally harmless), and some other rather large insects (harmless ones!)
Over the last 10 years australian white tails have become more common here :-/
Not the nicest of creatures. I mean most other spiders we have are basically harmless, but a bite from a white tail can (in a real bad case) cause amputation or even death if you don't get it dealt to quick. Although I just looked up and we have huntsman spiders here too :p
i believe its a folk tail about whitetails
hmmm killed one the other day + feel really bad about it normally i capture them + put them outside , but a couple of days ago + was lazy or something
http://www.zedzeek.com/junk/whitetail.jpg (not this one btw)
i have no problem killing flies or sandflies/mozzeys whatever but i still feel bad about killing a spider

personally im not to bad with spiders or snakes, i caught once in oz a brown snake, had it by its tail, dangling down, it was raring up striking at nothing (ive watched to much steve irwin in my time). the others were going out of their mind watching :) after a minute or so it just hung there limp, + i let it go, beautiful egotistic moment, then this crazy korean picked it up
I don't like spiders, but I don't kill them because I don't want to get close to them :p Also I heard that they eat some pests, such as cockroaches. Although I've never seen a huntsman spider eating a cockroach.
I haven't either, but I have seen a huntsmen eat a rat.

I don't like spiders, but I don't kill them because I don't want to get close to them :p Also I heard that they eat some pests, such as cockroaches. Although I've never seen a huntsman spider eating a cockroach.
We also have these really creepy ones that drop down on their prey from above. Once, I was lying in bed half asleep on a *very* quiet night, and heard some really light tapping on the ceiling. Then I heard a 'thik' sound, and something moving through the air, then I felt something land on the sheet over my feet... I turned on the light, and there was this spider making it's way directly towards my head.


That's some crap to make a grown man scream.
i believe its a folk tail about whitetails ...

Well it doesn't happen often, but when it does it can get on the news, so yeah they can be bad. I remember one where a lady narrowly avoided having her leg amputated, it was a bit of a mess.
The problem is they eat other spiders and bugs, and all the stuff they can't digest basically becomes their 'venom' when they bite. So while their bite is generally harmless, if they had eaten something dodgy, they can indirectly poison you. However it's usually just going to give you a really bad rash, or something similar.



That's some crap to make a grown man scream.

To this day I have never got out of bed quicker :p
A friend of mine's father is a Canadian diplomat of some kind, and once when they were living in this tropical country (not sure which), his parents had a whole nest of baby scorpions drop from the pot lights in their bedroom ceiling onto their bed in their sleep. They woke up with dozens of them crawling all over. Thankfully, baby scorpions are pretty much harmless afaik, but still...
I just googled up "Huntsman Spider".

I just did as well. I didn't encounter ONE picture of one that didn't make the thing look any smaller than a raccoon. Seriously, how do you kill these things? I imagine it being like a boss fight in Resident Evil.