Mr. Angry Pants
Nite_Hawk said:Mr. Angry Pants:
Hrm.... I've never really played anything on the PS2, so if those games work well... Good for them.
In the case of Microsoft and Morrowind though, it's like what ERP said. Microsoft brought over a PC title to the xbox, let it pass QA, and it's buggy as hell.
Jezuz, you talk as if Microsoft was handeling the port themselves! I don't understand how these notions about Microsoft, PC games and the Xbox continue to thrive after the release of console-only gems like Amped, NFL Fever, Quantum Redshift, and PGR.
And Oni, Half-Life, Quake 3, Tribes, and Medal of Honor are all shadows of their former selves on the PS2. Atleast with Xbox Morrowind you're getting exactly the same game--just with a below average frame rate.