This is just the sort of announcement I have been waiting for.
Although the sales estimates seems way too high, the message itself is very timely.
Paraphrase Sony "We don't plan on launching the PS3 anytime soon. Developers, you should continue to develop for the PS2. The PSP, PStwo, Eyetoy and Singstar devices will all extend the life of the PS2. Microsoft if you are listening, you can do whatever you want in the console business, because you are not a significant threat."
If you factor in the recent EA presentation where they advise publishers to keep some of the best teams still developing for the PS2. You can see a pattern emerging.
I expect to hear many more messages like this that advise constraint and caution about the next generation. In financial terms we are entering the most profitable period for this generation, but not many companies seem to be experiencing these benefits. A lengthening of the console cycle is very good news indeed.
Things like online gaming, eyetoy and PSP need the PS2 to last a lot longer, so that they can mature.
The Performance Analyser data released last year indicated that the PS2 still has a hugh amount of untapped potential. This is just as true for the other consoles. The GC and Xbox would also benefit greatly from an extended lifespan. A Xbox2 in 2005 just seems too soon.
I know this goes against everything stands for, but I'm all for a delay in the next generation. I only come here because you guys understand the hardware and how to code it in a very detailed way. (Which I can just about understand!) I'm not a technology addict. I still use a Pentium II machine circa 1999.
I was not expecting to buy a next gen console at launch and had already made up my mind to wait until Christmas 2008. This may seem like an incredibly long time to most of you, but I am very happy with the games I currently get to play on my PS2 and don't see there being much of a material improvement until the second generation of PS3 games arrives in 2007/8.
I'm more likely to buy an ultra cheap Xbox next year than a next generation console, if I run out of titles I'm interested in on the PS2. £99 Xbox plus Halo2, Fable, Doom3 and Half-Life2 will seem really attractive by then.