Sony Game Division Earnings, Q3 FY06

This is a continuation of a discussion, which utilizes info that only has data released across many months. The data trend is now clearer to see and validates previous claims.

The way to continue a discussion that's over seven months old is to start a new thread, not bump an old one.

Sony targets LCD technology, and they generate revenue but not profit.

The way you say this is as if to cast it in stone. This quarter, Bravia did not contribute positively to net income. It has in the past. Sony expects margins on Bravia to be negative next quarter as well, but for the second half of the year, expects positive contribution, to end the year positive on the whole.

Why focus on one quarter alone rather than a larger picture?

When put into context the data Sony releases, people can get a better understanding and perspective of the overall market.

Well, I prefer the DisplaySearch numbers to iSuppli's anyway, but that said, we've always known that Sony wasn't the leader in terms of units sold - rather, it's their revenue that is higher. And frankly that's not a bad position to be in because it means that your brand carries value; in any event, you know their expectations for the year - loss in Q2, profit in Q3 and Q4.

By the way, they attributed their margin erosion in the present term on the unexpected thrust other market players pulled off in getting competing "Full HD" units on the market.