Sony faces the law for EE patent thef!!?


According to Bloomberg, the University of Wisconsin has sued Sony, Toshiba and four other companies for patent infringement, claiming that the Emotion Engine violates a patent it filed back in December 1986 related to miniature-fabrication technology.

well, whacha say? :?: :oops: :?:
I bet patent violating sueings are so very common for big corporations as Sony.

I'd dare to say that nearly every patented invention has some part in it that 'violates' some component of a previosly patented invention. I don't think there are many inventions that are 100% 'original'.

That's just what patenting is for.
Li Mu Bai said:
They're just now discovering this? Seems highly suspect to say the very least.
IF (and this is a big if) the EE does infringe on their patents, then it is probably not surprising. It's likely that details of potentially infringing technology has probably only been released under NDA so it may take a while for that information to filter through to interested parties.

Sony sued by US university over PS2 technology

Rob Fahey 16:43 24/10/2003

PS2's Emotion Engine infringes 17 year old patent, claims University

The University of Wisconsin Madison has filed a suit against Sony and Toshiba, claiming that technology being used in the creation of the PS2's Emotion Engine infringes a patent which was filed by the university in 1986.

Little information about the lawsuit or the patent it deals with is available at the moment, although we do know that the University is seeking damages and a halt to the use of the technology in question.

The PlayStation 2 is based on a MIPS processing core with custom extensions added to it to improve the efficiency of the console. This unit is known as the "EE Core" - while Emotion Engine is a term used to describe this component and several others which are integrated onto a single chip and form the heart of the console's processing power.

Toshiba had a hand in designing this component for Sony, and was originally involved in manufacturing the chips as well. It's thought that the lawsuit centres on the manufacturing process involved in creating Emotion Engine devices, not any technology on board the chip itself, and as such both Sony and Toshiba are targetted by the suit.


How could a seventeen year old patent relating to process or semiconductor tech that is relatively as old as friggin dinosaurs have *anything* to do with PS2, and ONLY PS2?

And they seek to halt the use of said tech as well? Good luck succeeding with that, you eejits! You only need to send out about sixty MILLION cease and desist letters... :LOL::LOL::LOL:

This is a bunch of lawyers trying to find a way to help themselves to Sony's millions.

Can we get some info from the "ones in the know" on some things....

first, when building a new chip, how thin is the line between what is patented and what can be considered "original"??

seems to me that nowadays every chip is based pretty much on old architectures, in that a FPU (EXAMPLE!!) would pretty much be the same from chip to chip. the distribution of transistors would be different of course, the amount of various Multiplier units and Divider units would be different, OF COURSE the performance will be different, but in the end they do the same thing.

So, what's to stop "The-guy-who-patented-the-first-FPU" (STILL A VERY STUPID EXAMPLE) to go after every single manufacturer of processors with a FPU asking for money?

see my point? i don't think i was particularly clear...
IP law violation isnt theft, and the patent's term was 17 years after issuance ... it is 20 years after filing now I think.

BTW I wouldnt be surprised if they are violating the patent. As Ive said time and time again, any idea worth a damn is patented ... multiple times.

The only potential patent I could find on the USPTO site was this one BTW.