Sony Doesn't Have To Tell Me to Wait for a PS3: Microsoft's Doing Their Dirty Work!

Worst. Fucking. Launch. Ever.

Hell, I preordered in August and still got fucked. No one has Xbox 360's. What's up with places only getting 2 systems? Why are there more cores than premiums? MS can't ship enough Xbox 360's, yet they can give 10,000 free consoles to punks who can drink the most Mountain Dew. To add insult to injury, "Velocity Whore" Paris Hilton, gets a free Premium Xbox 360 with the fixin's while I and many other paying customers had to choose between going empty handed or MS milking our titties with the Core system.

The launch was rushed, botched and badly timed. They were so eager to launch first and they got what they wanted. They played right into Sony's hands. If I can't get an Xbox 360 before Christmas, then I might as well get a PS3. Looks like I may be heading back into the Sony camp. It takes a cluster fuck of these proportions to cause me to jump ship out of pure spite. Screw MS. It seems that everywhere Peter Moore goes, the team ends up shooting themselves in the foot. So much for their insurmountable lead. MS won't even have 1 million units sold in the states at the end of '05.
So are pissed because you couldn't get a console, and now because you didn't get a console at launch, that will make you buy a PS3 instead?

So, let me get it, you get a system because? I thought it was because of the games....but if you think the launch, and launch games are rushed, then why don't you wait till they don't feel rushed? was launch or nothing!? lol
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Alpha_Spartan said:
Hell, I preordered in August and still got fucked.

You did!!? :oops:

er.. Ok let's stay on topic.
I do kind of agree that MS was VERY VERY eager to get the thing out as soon as possible to build a decent userbase before PS3 comes. They panicked.
Still, if you think about it, it was either now with shortages - you can't get one now - or later on, maybe next year, still with shortages - and u still wouldn't have one now...
therealskywolf said:
So are pissed because you couldn't get a console, and now because you didn't get a console at launch, that will make you buy a PS3 instead?

So, let me get it, you get a system because? I thought it was because of the games....but if you think the launch, and launch games are rushed, then why don't you wait till they don't feel rushed? was launch or nothing!? lol
I would have been pissed too if I were in his place.
So the question would be, if you don't get a PS3 would you head to Revolution, and if you don't get either do you just stick to the PC/Mac?

For a good experiment, when the PS3 is available to pre-order, wait 3 months before you pre-pay (just to make it fair) and then when it launches, you can let us know if you got one or not.
systems will be making their way into retailers on a regular basis. In a week or two all you have to do is go to several major retailers a couple times a week (preferably in the daytime) and you will get one.

BTW, I pre-ordered in June and did not get fugged, I got an X360. ;)
therealskywolf said:
So are pissed because you couldn't get a console, and now because you didn't get a console at launch, that will make you buy a PS3 instead?
FYI, I could have gotten a system yesterday (a Core) but turned it down. Two weeks ago, I found out that my TOTALLY PAID off Xbox 360 preorder was cut to the second shipment (whenever that is). I did nothing different than I did with the Dreamcast and Xbox launch, yet this time I (and others) got screwed by this worldwide crap.

Secondly, what's up with there being more Cores than Premiums? Even the old ladies I was in line with yesterday knew that the Core system sucked. Didn't MS realize that the bulk of their sales would come from early adopters who wouldn't think twice about paying $400 for a system.
Spaceman-Spiff said:
Me too, when it's free.
true ;)

at the cost of a single high end PC graphics card, I consider it a fair deal though, and the upgrade to the future version (2nd & 3rd gen games) requires no future hardware upgrade. I'm cool with that.
Alpha_Spartan said:
FYI, I could have gotten a system yesterday (a Core) but turned it down. Two weeks ago, I found out that my TOTALLY PAID off Xbox 360 preorder was cut to the second shipment (whenever that is). I did nothing different than I did with the Dreamcast and Xbox launch, yet this time I (and others) got screwed by this worldwide crap.

Secondly, what's up with there being more Cores than Premiums? Even the old ladies I was in line with yesterday knew that the Core system sucked. Didn't MS realize that the bulk of their sales would come from early adopters who wouldn't think twice about paying $400 for a system.

Just think that for every pissed off selfish american there are many happy europeans, who will for the first time not "get fucked" by huge delays for european gamers. But i guess you don't care about that.
london-boy said:
Just think that for every pissed off selfish american there are many happy europeans, who will for the first time not "get fucked" by huge delays for european gamers.....

cheers mate! :D
NucNavST3 said:
So the question would be, if you don't get a PS3 would you head to Revolution, and if you don't get either do you just stick to the PC/Mac?

For a good experiment, when the PS3 is available to pre-order, wait 3 months before you pre-pay (just to make it fair) and then when it launches, you can let us know if you got one or not.
I didn't wait three months to prepay the Xbox 360. I tried to do it earlier (June) and EB was full. They called me back in August and said that MS was allocating them more systems and so I preordered. Then two weeks ago, I get a call that MS reneged and I was cut to second shipment. So I panicked, got a refund and tried to wing it yesterday. I wasn't up to spending the night out in the cold and rain sleeping on the concrete so I lost out on a premium. I could have gotten a Core, but rejected it on principle. It's a rip-off.
london-boy said:
Just think that for every pissed off selfish american there are many happy europeans, who will for the first time not "get fucked" by huge delays for european gamers. But i guess you don't care about that.
Actually, I'm excited for you guys. Europe and NA deserve MS full attention, but Japan is what pisses me off. They won't sell out in Japan. I'll bet everything on that. Xbox Premium systems will be collecting dust while walk-in buyers in NA won't be able to get an Xbox 360 any time soon.
Oh well, try and put it in perspective, you should get one soon enough, retail stores will be getting shipments in, just call around, keep tabs.

I would be pissed to if I hadn't got mine, but hey that's why I woke up at 6AM and stood outside in the cold for 2.5 hours.

btw: the EBAY price should plummet pretty soon, I hear there's ~15000 on ebay now
So in other words Alpha_Spartan, you weren't early and / or persistent enough.

I don't know who's worse these past couple days...insecure PS3 fanb**s, or "I didn't get my 360 and I'm special" whiners...
london-boy said:
As we say down here.... SHIT HAPPENS.
Now get a grip and stop bitching!
NEVER! I won't quit until I have my X360 (could be a while). And here I thought that preordering in January (before the system was even officially announced) was stupid. However, hindsight is 20/20.