For once I have to side with _xxx_. All that stuff above and around us in the universe is pretty darn insignificant when it comes to humanity and most of the stuff on our planet and even in our solar system.
Galaxy X way out in the nether regions of space isn't going to impact anything on this planet signficantly in any way, shape or form.
So in daily life. Humans are indeed the most significant thing around. That along with things within our own solar system. The Sun for example. It's all a bit relative, eh?
I like looking at the stars. They've fascinated me ever since I was a child. I'd spend hours looking at them and dreaming. Heck I'd fall asleep on the lawn in Hawaii while looking up at the stars. But never once did I feel they had impact on my life or the lives of those around me.
It's amazing yes. Mind boggling certainly. Significant to our lives? Not particularly.
Galaxy X way out in the nether regions of space isn't going to impact anything on this planet signficantly in any way, shape or form.
So in daily life. Humans are indeed the most significant thing around. That along with things within our own solar system. The Sun for example. It's all a bit relative, eh?
I like looking at the stars. They've fascinated me ever since I was a child. I'd spend hours looking at them and dreaming. Heck I'd fall asleep on the lawn in Hawaii while looking up at the stars. But never once did I feel they had impact on my life or the lives of those around me.
It's amazing yes. Mind boggling certainly. Significant to our lives? Not particularly.