Odd. You're telling me that if everyone agreed that a fetus was no different than an infant (in terms of rights/life status), we shouldn't have laws to protect it?
No no no.. I'm saying that many people would still say we shouldn't have laws outlawing abortions. If everyone's in agreement that the baby is alive right at conception, I'm sure most everyone would be for laws limiting it. But there's always going to be a significant opposition to anything being completely outlawed in this country.. right or wrong.
As for myself, if I were in this hypothetical world/situation, I'd say there should be laws protecting the mini-baby. But whether they are the exact same laws as for an infant is a completely seperate matter (since you also have to consider the cases where the baby living means the mother dieing and such).
....so for a yes/no response I'm going to have to stick with what I wrote in the [edit] section of my previous response: Yes for limiting, No for outlawing. You choose which best fits your question.
Again, I find this response odd. This is a fantasy world where people DON'T feel bad for a kid, because they don't believe he's alive. EVERYONE thinks it's a "tumor", etc.
Then it's all moot, since this world is obviously void of women and hence no baby making can be done!
But if the people in this world were actually that logical then I change 3) to yes.