Some questions for A64 3400+


Well I was one of the unlucky ppl that bought a P4 2-3 months before the A64 release. I'm thinking of upgrading from a P4 2.8c to an A64 3400+ for some time now because I have a slight preference to AMD anyway but of course in this case the present and the possible future benefits of A64 make me want it even more. :D
My questions are:
1. Do u think that it will worth the extra bucks in general? (Yes I do game a lot.)
2. I'm worried about multitasking issues because it's one of the things that I luv with my P4. Will I have an issue with that?
3. I need a recommendation for a rock stable mobo. I don't care for super wow worthless xtra features just a great mobo that if possible can o/c great too.

Thanks in advance
Well i'm using an athlon 64 300+ at 2.4 ghz . I'm currently talking to you , watching the 3rd inyusha movie on my second screen and having 4 im convos . So multitasking isn't a problem.

HOwever i dunno how the games are compared to a p4 . I was using an athlon xp 2500 and its a world of diffrence.
Orbitech said:
Well I was one of the unlucky ppl that bought a P4 2-3 months before the A64 release. I'm thinking of upgrading from a P4 2.8c to an A64 3400+ for some time now because I have a slight preference to AMD anyway but of course in this case the present and the possible future benefits of A64 make me want it even more. :D
My questions are:
1. Do u think that it will worth the extra bucks in general? (Yes I do game a lot.)
2. I'm worried about multitasking issues because it's one of the things that I luv with my P4. Will I have an issue with that?
3. I need a recommendation for a rock stable mobo. I don't care for super wow worthless xtra features just a great mobo that if possible can o/c great too.

Thanks in advance

I moved from a p4 3.0c to the 3400+

there is a very noticeable performance improvement for me wrt games (smoother) and somewhat lesser for application usage (again smoother/faster but not quite as much as gaming)

I miss HT and in many day to day apps as well as multi-tasking there is no much difference... if anything the a64 for me is smoother/faster for media/zip files/multi-tasking...

I use the term smoother because it is the most noticeable difference between the two setups in non-gaming situations...

I have a feeling it is the a64's on-die mem controller that contributes positively to the performance or perceived performance in many similar situations...

everyone has their personal favs for mobo's... I think most of the boards for sckt 754 offer about the same performance all round... the nf3-250's with working agp/pci locks are probably the best overclockers...

my setup has worked brilliantly from day one :) no complaints here @ stock or when using CnQ (clocking in @ 800mhz for most every day to day app cept when gaming)
I am not even sure what socket that uses, so this is just a random suggestion.

Tyan has some incredibly stable mobos for amd chips they all go a bit slower in benchmakrs than the via, sis, and nvidia chipsets but they are supre stable. No crashes in a year kind of stable... anyway have fun.
Basically what I want from a mobo is USB2.0,LAN,SATA,Firewire.
So are there any models that offer these simple things and PCI/AGP lock?
Orbitech said:
Basically what I want from a mobo is USB2.0,LAN,SATA,Firewire.
So are there any models that offer these simple things and PCI/AGP lock?

pretty much all the tier 1 makers offer the base stuff such as usb2.0 and what not.. pretty much all of them have GbE...

the k8t800pro and nf3-250gb based boards generally have agp/pci locks though i would read up reviews to ensure they do actually have WORKING locks and that they are not psuedo floating locks...
I have a 3000+ running 2450 and a 2.6C running 3450, and the AMD64 is noticably faster in games........
If you are looking to overclock, the new DFI board is looking good. Its been released but it still isn't exactly available.
I too went from a 3.0c, to a 3400+. Obviously game frames are better. I dont miss HT at all, but I dont really do any intense multitasking either. No photoshop, video editing, or anything else. From normal every day useage of surfing the web, listening to mp3's, etc. I see no difference.

I have a MSI K8N Neo Plat, and like it a lot. If you can hold off for a few more months, the NF4 chipset is supposed to be out, if you care about PCI-E at all.
I wonder why you would upgrade to a 3400+ though, what's the point of investing in an essentially EOL-ed platform? (Socket754)

If I was to change platforms (and I'm not, my P4@3.6GHz suits me just fine), I'd go for a Socekt939 board and chip.
I have a Asrock K8S8X with a 3000+. Its running at 2.45gig now with stoock cooling. The mobo is low cost but no firewire. It uses SIS 755 chipset and has a working AGP/PCI lock.