one said:
I'd like to ask you, what is architecture in CPU?
Well in Cell case we are talking about the PUs, they are the Central Processing Units, its APUs aren't CPUs in any conventional sense. Just that same way that the fact that VU (and GS these days) are on the CPU die doesn't make CPUs.
The amount of units on a die is largely irrelevant to the architecture overview. Cell is a linked orbit configuration (sorry for the quick diagram but should do enough to explain, numbers of things are not indiacitive of anything except how lazy I am).
Now if you not concerned with FLOPs counts, the PU are clearly very interesting. They are controlling waht the APU are doing, we know they are 64 bit PowerPC cores but have little other (public) information
So lets pose some questions and my views, feel free to disagree. Hopefully this will steer discussion towards meaningful disagreements rather than semantics.
Given the APUs are fairly small (we assume this from the amount of them and there uses), are they PowerPC? More precisely is there any advantage to making APUlet uses the PowerPC ISA?
I'll start the bidding with a no, they are designed as vector processor as such they will likely have a custom ISA for this job.
Are there any advantages to have the PU use a new PowerPC core?
Will they operate any worse as APU scedulers if they used (for example) a PPC970 core.
I'll offer a no, the scheduling will likely want a fairly normal core with good branching. It however may favor a multi-thread core, so prehaps this would be a good change from existing designs.
Where is 'standard' game code going to run?
Given the speciality of the APUs and the fact that game code is often highly unoptimised, I will suggest on the PU. This again suggests prehaps multi-threading (prehaps one thread scheduler, one game code) but with again a fairly standard execution engine.
Do IBM have any PowerPC cores that could with a few modification do the job of a PU
Yes, the PowerPC 300 cores seem to be an ideal fit. Multi-threading, with multi-processing link. High clockspeed, designed for 65nm and simple embedded architecture (no OOOE etc.).
Now I not saying that a PU isn't based (or vice versa...) on PowerPC 300, but the whole arguement that Cell is so revolutionary that everything must be custom doesn't hold if you look at the PU, which to my mind are the 'real' CPUs of the chip. The APUs still look like vector processors doing very specialist jobs, controled by some 'normal' cpus.