Sniper on the loose down the street

Lots of cops and helicopters and such. They shut down a whole bunch of the expressways for a while, and got nothing. :(

I'm gonna stay away/avoid that area/stretch of road for a while....
Sniper on the loose down the street
I'm sorry, but using the correct choice of "lose" and "loose" is surely not permitted on an internet forum.:p
There is a disproportionally large amount of Melbournians in this thread. :LOL:

Digi, how far from that road do you live?
Sc4freak said:
There is a disproportionally large amount of Melbournians in this thread.
I hope you're not including me? Melbourne's weather is just too weird for my taste!
Then I hope no harm comes to you and your loved ones. Or actually to anyone in the area :???:
Yep. Grew up in a little town of less than 2k. About 1974 or so guy went nuts and went sniper route. Killed one and wounded two with his rifle, sniping at the local equivalent of Dairy Queen in that town. I didn't really know him. But I knew his wife, who was a friend of my mothers and visited the house often, with their new baby.

Very sad. That would have certainly been less than 1/2 mile from our house.
digitalwanderer said:
Amazing how much ruckus one person with a rifle can cause. :oops:
Well, what do you expect, living in a country consisting of damn near 300 million people all with the god-given right to bear arms? :p

Then again, we have a lot of hunters in this country, all of them with lots of rifles, and every once in a while, some old coot goes nuts and starts shooting at his neighbors for whatever reason. Last I think it was he hated horses, or at least his young neighbors riding them, so he shot the fiancée (though not fatally) and tried to shoot the woman too.

Luckily, (semi)automatics are totally illegal over here (unless you're a member of the national guard, then you can keep a military-grade fully automatic rifle in your house), so crazy old farts with a chip on their shoulder can only get off shots as fast as the bolt-action reload sequence allows them to... Of course, just the other week, a national guardsman went bananas and shot and killed his girlfriend or somesuch, and then shot himself too, using ammo he had somehow procured through less than legal means. Now it seems the guardsmen won't be allowed to keep their weapons at home anymore, which might be just as well really seeing as Ivan isn't very damn likely to come knocking on our door anytime soon...
Guden Oden said:
Luckily, (semi)automatics are totally illegal over here (unless you're a member of the national guard, then you can keep a military-grade fully automatic rifle in your house), so crazy old farts with a chip on their shoulder can only get off shots as fast as the bolt-action reload sequence allows them to...

For an experienced shooter that's about 6 rounds every 10 seconds. Wouldn't make a whole lot of difference if it was semi-auto.

I would much rather face a panicked person firing wildly with a semi-auto than a calm, cool and collected person shooting a bolt-action. Bolt action guns tend to be much more accurate, and much mroe lethal than semi-autos.
I know that windshields are rather sturdy. But stopping a bullet from a long rifle? I must admit that I have little experience with guns, but this sounds like a weak rifle to me. Or was it at an angle almost parallel to the sindshield?

I don't want to belittle the danger, it could of course still be lethal if you got hit by that bullet. It's just that it struck me as strange that there were two occations where the bullet bounced of the windshield.
Basic said:
I know that windshields are rather sturdy. But stopping a bullet from a long rifle? I must admit that I have little experience with guns, but this sounds like a weak rifle to me. Or was it at an angle almost parallel to the sindshield?

I don't want to belittle the danger, it could of course still be lethal if you got hit by that bullet. It's just that it struck me as strange that there were two occations where the bullet bounced of the windshield.

I have an extensive knowledge of firearms and can safely say that ballistics show that glass is one of the few surfaces that send bullets in a completely unknown direction along with the surface of water. As for completely stopping a round, that's highly unlikely unless it was either a .22 or lower, but I know for a fact .22's can easily go through glass, unless it had somehow lost a great deal of velocity, like ricocheted off one surface then hit the glass.

*edit* Also, bare in mind this isn't that unlikely for a bolt action rifle. Experienced shooters are capable of firing those as fast as semi auto's. A prime example would be Lee Harvey Oswald. He popped off, what, 8 rounds in the course of 3 seconds or something like that?
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