Snap, Crackle, Pop!

What do you think fried?

  • Your power supply and motherboard, them's the breaks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Your power supply and a variety of the expensive components in your system, sucks to be you

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Look on the bright side...maybe your SB Live! fried!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


It is disconcerting when your computer locks up for no apparent reason when you try to type in a brief reply. If you've just made some driver changes, you start to worry.

When you can't reboot the computer, and must turn it off and back on, it becomes even more worrying.

When it behaves exactly the same for several tries, it begins to get downright nail-biting.

In such an instance, it is almost a relief when your power supply makes a loud snap, crackle, pop sound (yeah, it really was all those sounds rolled into one), and you see a bluish flash through ventilation holes in the side of your case in the general location of your power supply...that's because you have the consolation of knowing exactly where the problem is. :eek:

FYI, the power supply has a big "Turbolink" ("Model ATX-300") sticker on it that had been worrying me for a while...I'd already made a no compromise decision for the power supply for my next system, but I foolishly assumed the current one wouldn't suffer a catastrophic failure.

So, that brings us to my poll question, presented to provide an opportunity for amusement at my misfortune... :p
My powersupply blew up a few months back (system was turned off too) and nothing else got damaged. It made a loud bang and the room began to stick real bad.
Colourless said:
My powersupply blew up a few months back (system was turned off too) and nothing else got damaged. It made a loud bang and the room began to stick real bad.
Thank you for the words of encouragement! ;)
I hope I am as lucky. No stinky smell, but it is still a crap shoot.
We'll find out Tuesday assuming my replacement arrives on schedule. Something interesting: I was appalled after calling around locally when one of the computer shops seemed to be offended that I didn't want a generic power supply when they suggested it in response to my queries about some specific brands. He hung up on me when I remarked that the reason I was looking was because a generic power supply had just "blown up" on me!
I said it in a neutral, maybe even friendly, tone, honest!
Had a generic PSU go on me about a year back, went up in smoke and unfortunately took the mobo with it(the ATX power line was visibly burnt and the ATX power connector on the mobo was charred black :devilish: :devilish: ).

Never going generic again, that ~$35 PS took a $150 mobo with it :devilish: :devilish: :devilish:
Not quite the same thing, but a few months ago my power cable (from wall to computer) self-ignited. Fizzles, blue sparks, the lot. After a brief moment of tranquil contemplation, I decided to pull the plug.

It turned out that it had burnt a hole in itself some centimetres from one end. No other components seem to have suffered any damage, but I must say that I've never thought of power cables as especially error-prone (even though I've actually had another faulty one back in 1997).
I had a power supply blow out on me a few years ago.

The strange thing was that the only other component that it took out with it was the network card. Figure that :?

Anyway, I had to vote for the last option :p
I've never had a PSU die on me. Only problem is fans that slowly gets noicyer with age.

Are you sure it was that way?
If the power lines were burnt, I would have guessed that the mobo killed the PSU.
OK, get your last minute guess-votes in...I've been watching the tracking info and the PSU is finally on its way for delivery (durned snow storm delayed it a day it seems).

By the votes, most seem to be rejoicing at the prospect of my sound card being dead, so assuming it boots after replacement, I'll test it out first thing. ;)
I figured nothing too terrible would happen. I've seen 4 power supplies die and none of them fried anything else with them. I'm a pessimist though, so I would have felt out of character if I said that and got your hopes up ;)
Are you sure it was that way?
If the power lines were burnt, I would have guessed that the mobo killed the PSU.

Fairly certain. The PSU was utterly cooked, charred on the inside while the mobo had a charred ATX connector and nothing else. The power line was burnt for the PSU down, the plug got pulled prior to it making its way externally to the mobo itself(the entire ATX line wasn't burned on the outside, but it was on the inside).

Congrats dmealion, though I wouldn't reccomend trying it again ;)