Smoking Marijuana Does Not Cause Cancer....

Maybe not cancer but you have a good chance of developing mental disorders later in life, if you don't use moderation. Trust me I know first hand. That good feeling isn't free it has a price to be paid. Sorry for the after school special.
_xxx_ said:
Not with marijuana. He did alcohol without limits and also some heavy stuff.

I wasn't meaning literally, I meant you might "Brain your damage" so to speak
What mental problems? A reliance on any substance could lead to severe mental disorders/problems if not taken care of in a timely manner. There are a lot of myths out there about marijuana that both the people against it and for it believe.
Pozer thats mostly an increase in risk if you are already predisposed towards mental disorders and have been smoking it heavily since an early age, early teens.
For the others it more like a 1-2% increase in risk. Pretty marginal and no worse than many other things.
Mariner said:
Not that it really applies to me. I've not smoked any dope for years - can't be bothered with it. Alcohol is my drug of choice. :)

Alcohol is far worse for the body then dope. Of course everything is bad if not taken in moderation. Some alcohol can be good, just as some mj can.
Blitzkrieg said:
Do you regularly get seeds or stick in your mj digitalwanderer?
Thats pretty rare out here.
Depends, quality can vary pretty wildly. Lately it's been more sticks than stone, but not much of's been a good couple of months. :)
That's actually one of the things I love about having so many international friends, I'm pretty sure I could have a contact set-up anywhere. :)

On an odd note, I noticed that my shopping spree late/baked last night to get the parts I need to fix my rig came out to right around $420...which makes me grin in a silly way. :LOL:
Sonic said:
There are a lot of myths out there about marijuana that both the people against it and for it believe.

And one of the biggest myths is that it's safe and harmless. Sure, a joint once in a while probably won't have any adverse effects but I know a few heavy marijuana users and I've seen what it did to them and how they ended up.

A lot of the "marijuana isn't bad" sentiment is a remnant of the 1960s when your hippie parents used to smoke weed really low on THC and that stuff just doesn't compare to the high-powered shit that's out there nowadays.
L233 said:
And one of the biggest myths is that it's safe and harmless. Sure, a joint once in a while probably won't have any adverse effects but I know a few heavy marijuana users and I've seen what it did to them and how they ended up.

A lot of the "marijuana isn't bad" sentiment is a remnant of the 1960s when your hippie parents used to smoke weed really low on THC and that stuff just doesn't compare to the high-powered shit that's out there nowadays.
How 'bout us children of them hippies who hypothetically have been chronically smoking the high grade stuff for a few decades without too many mental/physical ramifications?

I don't feel all that brain damaged nor sociopathic, and I don't think I'm a totally unproductive member of society.
L233 said:
And one of the biggest myths is that it's safe and harmless. Sure, a joint once in a while probably won't have any adverse effects but I know a few heavy marijuana users and I've seen what it did to them and how they ended up.

A lot of the "marijuana isn't bad" sentiment is a remnant of the 1960s when your hippie parents used to smoke weed really low on THC and that stuff just doesn't compare to the high-powered shit that's out there nowadays.

Of course it's neither safe nor harmless, but it is mostly controllable. The "high-powered" stuff nowadays is sometimes really bad. Sometimes they use cheap grass and mix opium into that to make it stronger, which has some other implications for your health/psyche.

The best thing would be to keep away from all that, but obviously we're not always strong enough...
Sure, a heavy marijuana user may end up being a drugged out bummy looking and acting guy/gal. That may have happened because of the physical effects of marijana, but that also may not be the case. It could stem back to a psychological addiction where your friends were too heavy into marijuana and ended up knowing no other lifestyle. That is an unfortunate event that happens all too often.

Who here is claiming marijuana is safe and harmless? I would say that its effects are far less than most other drugs that people take for a high or because of an actual physical addiction. Those against MJ that like to drink alcohol are laughable also.

It has its negative effects, that's a given. It is not the miracle drug some proclaim it to be.
digitalwanderer said:
How 'bout us children of them hippies who hypothetically have been chronically smoking the high grade stuff for a few decades without too many mental/physical ramifications?

I don't feel all that brain damaged nor sociopathic, and I don't think I'm a totally unproductive member of society.

Ehr...don't take what I'll say now the wrong way, but haven't you had severe heart problems in relatively young age? Can you really write off your childhood under "hippie parents" as a con-cause of it? Sure, there are other things involved that are much more responsable for that than mj smoke, but I'd still have a tiny doubt in my mind if I were you...
Well it may just be the fact that the mj is impure sometimes, but I know my neighbour's memory was obliterated by the stuff.
DudeMiester said:
Well it may just be the fact that the mj is impure sometimes, but I know my neighbour's memory was obliterated by the stuff.

Oh, that's normal. You can only focus on _one_ thing when you're high. If there's any multitasking involved, you're lost... ;)
Crisidelm said:
Ehr...don't take what I'll say now the wrong way, but haven't you had severe heart problems in relatively young age? Can you really write off your childhood under "hippie parents" as a con-cause of it?
Actually my parents were pre-hippy and more like classic Brady Bunch parents, I shouldn't blame anything on 'em as they were both pretty excellent and I didn't mean to imply that.

I meant that I have been smoking it for over 2 decades; and my heart problems had a whole lot more to with my 2-3 pack a day cigarette habit as well as pretty much living off junkfood for a decade more than anything else.

Oh, as well as a pretty decent family history of heart diseases. My grandmother on my mother's side died of a heart attack as did 5 of her sisters, and I recently found out that my father's father and his father also died of heart attacks....I think I'm a bit genetically predisposed towards 'em as well as having abused the bejeebus out of me body for too long....but I'm taking better care of it now.