Small, fr33, easy 2 use webserver 4 n00bs?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I was thinking of setting up a simple website on my pooter using's services or some such. What would be a good software package to use?

Also, any recommendations for a program that makes it easy to build simple webpages? I'm not out to create a competitor to MSN or such, I just want to experiment a little...
why, Apache, of course!

it's still pretty simple, and you can use fun things like php and all of that.
Do you want to be able to use php and mysql, or are you planning to only use static pages?

Dreamweaver MX 2004 is the best program to edit html/php in in my oppinion. There a free 30 day trials to download on macromedias homepage, if you're interested to test it.
I'm a n00b, I know nothing about html, I couldn't design a "hello world" webpage if my life depended on it. PHP? All I can say to that is ":LOL:", hehe.

I guess it's static pages for me, Dreamweaver is probably way above my head, like buying msword when notepad would do. ;) Doesn't anyone know of any free tools that can do this?

Thanks for the replies so far btw. :D
Use apache for the webserver, it's fairly easy and the documentation owns. If you have an old machine lying around, freebsd + apache is your friend.

As for an HTML editor, download the mozilla suite. You can use their default composer or check out the nview/nvu I can't remember the name, plugin. Basically, makes it a more powerful HTML editor. Have fun.