Size does matter - but is bigger better? ATX to mATX case


Drunk Member
On my upgrade from Q6600 to Core i5 3570K, I also switched from ATX (Abit IP35) to mATX (Asrock Z77 Extreme4-M) motherboard.
However my case was still plain old ATX, Antec 300 to be exact.

Then I got the chance to aquire Silverstone TJ08-E Evolution, I didn't hesitate - it's a real mATX case, and not one of those somewhat popular Fractal Design mATX cases which are really sized like regular ATX cases (Arc Mini "mATX" volume 41.16 litres, Antec 300 ATX case volume 43.66 litres)

The case was the most challenging one to put together from all the cases I've ever used, though, and my ye olde PSU from Be Quiet! didn't exactly help on that (and also forced me to use 6pin-8pin adapter on the video card) - but in the end was worth it.

The case is packed tight, there's no much spare room, but it just works - and most importantly, it keeps even temps lower than my Antec 300 did without being any louder (or if it is, I can't notice the difference)
Only real "fail" moment with this case is it's USB3-wire for the front panel - the plug is so damn big that it barely fits at least on my motherboard, since the USB3 connector is right behind the harddrive case, and they really don't fit that well both on their place - I was afraid the thing would literally tear the connnector right off my motherboard, but I managed to finally get it to keep in 90 degrees angle to the mobo.

I'm still having hard time believing how much power that little beast now packs - it's just a cm or two wider than the Antec 300 (not accurate measures, just how it looks), but sooooo much smaller in other dimensions that it's unbelieveable.



I'm not going to build another uATX system, they're just too damn cramped to work in. Connectors get squished in wherever they'll fit on the mobo, which means they'll be blocked by the CPU cooler, add-in boards, drives etc and become entirely inaccessible when the board sits mounted inside the chassis.

No, fuck that. Not going through the hassle again, space isn't at such a premium in my place that I can't fit in a full-tower PC... Also, I don't like that I have no expansion slots available after mounting twin graphics cards.
It certainly isn't as bad as you seem to think. Perhaps it's the difference between the mATX form factor that we are using and the uATX that you're referring to?

Both of these Silverstone cases have a removable motherboard tray, removable drive cage, removable top panel so the PSU is easy to drop in, and a ton of room on the back plate for cable management. I have none of the issues that you mention regarding cable woes, and I have thirteen hard drives and a BR/DVD drive -- five HDD's and the BR/DVD connect to the system board, and the other eight HDD's connect to the SAS-to-SATA breakout cables and into the RAID card.

As for the room to have a full size case? I have a ThermalTake Armor+ case for my main gaming rig, but this little mATX rig is a combo HTPC + HyperV host that hides behind my TV / home theater setup. I have no want for a full size case back there...

Here, just check out the picture of mine and tell me that I'm having blocked cooler issues...

As I mentioned earlier, I have a Radeon 7750 in that second PCI-E slot which isn't much of any stretch at all. That slot has 13.5" of length clearance, and the drive cage is purposefully designed to alllow the card to rest on the top to further reduce flex. Also, at the very bottom of the case, you might notice the folded-down plastic arm mounted at that bottom panel. That arm is designed to further reinforce really BIG coolers to additionally reduce flex on the system board.

These cases are very, very well thought out for cable management, cooling, and room for video cards and big heatsinks.
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mATX = MicroATX = uATX (or rather, μATX) so it's the same, but they indeed are cramped.

Which PSU are you using? Those SATA-powercables look just so clean, unlike my messed up crap from Be Quiet :D
Is there any REALLY flexible SATA-cables out there? Yours look like they're corded?

The case doesn't seem to be exactly same - your has 2 80 or 120mm fans there in the front? The TJ08-E Evolution I'm using has 180mm fan.
Our two cases are almost the same; mine uses a pair of 120's instead of a single 180 which allows a tad bit more "reach" for devices at the bottom or top. Because of that, i do not get the option of a single 3.5" bay at the very bottom like you do. I really didn't need one though, so it was worth the trade and I preferred (what I felt was) the cleaner front fascia.

Since there are so many SATA drives, I couldn't use the direct cabling from my PSU, as even with the modular cables, there still wouldn't be enough. Instead, I'm using seven power leads from the PSU that feed into six splitters hidden just out of view behind the drive cage. The seventh lead with no splitter feeds the BR/DVDRW at the top of the chassis.

The 'corded' sections are the SAS -> SATA data breakout cables from the RAID card.
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