Should everyone be allowed access to the Internet?

>>But seriously how would they enforce that?

the same as having a restraining order out on someone, if person X is seen within Y meters of a place/person then they can be reported to the authorities who then take it from there.
Sure its not foolproof as seen by the number of exwives getting killed by their former partners but does act as some sort of deterrent to some people
Personal freedom dosn't include the right to have up on the UN charter.

Who the fwck cares about the UN charter? Since when is such a flawed organisation with vested interests entitled to say ANYTHING about ANY rights? :LOL: Such a crazy thought, wake up man.

Personal freedom in the most basic sense simply means that one can do whatever he wants the way he wants it as long as he's not negatively affecting or harming other people.

zed: if we're talking about dangerous or crazy people, those should be kept in an appropriate institution anyway. And there are things like individually configurable proxy filters which any admin or a skilled user can implement on a per user basis.

Such a broad issue can not be generalized in some all-encompassing law, that simply doesn't work. Too many "normal" or "harmless" users would be ostracized just because of a few nutcases - that is obviously the wrong way to do it.
Personal freedom dosn't include the right to have up on the UN charter.

Well, it doesn't include eletricity either, so should we ban people from having electricity in their homes?
Should a person being convicted killing someone whilst driving under the influence be banned from ever being in car, regardless of who is driving? You never know, the person might just grab the wheel and force the car into a crowd of bystanders when in a drunken stupor...

As for the pedophile, he could be allowed supervised access to the internet, or only allowed onto a set or preapproved sites through filtering. It's already common practice in my workplaces with such filtering..

With more and more government services being moved online, the lack of internet access can hamper a persons ability to function. Not to mention that with internet access becoming available through more and more devices, such a ban would be hard to enforce. Finding a cellphone without a built-in browser and internet access is hard already, imagine in a few years time. TVs are already starting to show up with internet access, how long until that is wireless? And how long until a new version of Bluray requires internet access to validate the disc before playing?
Should a person being convicted killing someone whilst driving under the influence be banned from ever being in car, regardless of who is driving?

Yup, that person should not be allowed in a moving vehicle period unless it's to transport them to another jail, prison, or preferably to be killed with the death sentence.

As far as I'm concerned as soon as you decide to drive a multi-ton vehicle under the influence of drugs (yes, even prescription drugs if it impairs a persons ability to drive) or alcohol, then you've just decided it's OK to kill someone. Death penalty.

Have had too many friends killed by entitled twats that think it's OK for "them" to drive under the influence.

It's extremely harsh. It's also well justified to feel that way regarding driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol if friends in your personal life died from those fuckhead drivers. Not saying I agree with the perspective, but I understand it and could very well feel that way if my friends were killed by selfish pricks. I don't mind what people do on their own personal time, but when you do go on the roads you should maintain a high level of safety and sobriety for everybody else on the road. Unfortunately we cannot filter the roads people drive drunk on.

We can filter the sites a pedophile goes on unless he is some master hacker who can bypass that stuff.
Sonic: pedophilles work with other means, you'll be hard pressed to find ANY sites dealing with that sort of stuff. If you don't believe me, take an hour or two and try to find just one single child-porn site. My bet is you won't find any.

That fact alone should make it clear that all these consorship laws masked as "protect the minors" are nothing but a scam in order to get full control over the internet and to be able to lock out the "less comfortable" people and sites.

Though it's a moot point now that the laws have already been installed and will soon hit home.
I'll take your word on it _xxx_. I don't have the desire to find child porn sites as that is something I find rather repugnant. I don't want mass censorship or monitoring of the internet either in the vein of "protect the children" or in the vein of national security "we must find those terrorists". I despise nanny liberals (read: the authoritarian kind that want to prevent harmless human behavior because they have a problem with it) but child porn is one of those things I also despise. I don't care if it's a work of art with naked children because clearly the intent is art and not getting off.
Well just think of it like this - if you were one of those idiots, would you put that stuff online on a normal public access web site? The paedophilles are crazy idiots, but they're not suicidal nor stupid. From the known investigations, they only work with closed newsgroups and other such obscure means. And needless to say, our politicians know that very well, but they don't care - it's just blah for the sheep to accept more control. "Kids" and "tewwowists" always work for that.
I wouldn't be surprised if a few of said politicians are into male child porn themselves...:LOL:

Oh and restricting internet acces for pedophiles doesn't fix the problem. If a pedophile really needs to satisfy his pedophlic tendencies all he needs is a white van with no windows and some candy...:LOL:
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