Sharp builds high-resolution LCD for mobile


Sharp builds high-resolution LCD for mobile
Sharp, the world's largest maker of liquid-crystal display televisions said Monday that it had developed a high-resolution LCD screen for mobile phones that allows people to view full-sized Web pages.....Osaka, Japan-based Sharp said that its LCD panel had a screen measuring 2.6 inches diagonally and video graphics array (VGA) quality of 307,220 pixels, quadruple the resolution of existing cell phone screens with 76,800 pixels

How is it possible to even see a full-sized web page with a 2.6" screen? Do you have to use a magnifying glass? or how about one of those magnifying screens to turn it from 2.6" to 2.8" screens? :LOL:
Silent_One: Have you ever took a look on small TFT displays for destop PCs?? In fact my 15" TFT is so much sharper that you can easily read the text on that while it would be completely unreadable on my primary monitor which is 21" Flat Trinitron CRT. (for example I use Small Font (7 pt.) for IRC on daily basis with 15" TFT and resolution of 1024x768.)

I believe it's readable. Only thing I wonder is that where they need those 20 extra pixels?? (640x480 makes 307,200 pixels.)