Shadows with flashlight


At night, take a relitavely high-powered flashlight, hold it in your hand and extend your arm in front of you. Find some pipes or whatever (a cellar usually has those). Close one of your eyes, and move side to side. OMFG TEH FLOATIGN SHADOWS!11

Well, probably you won't think they're floating, you know that In Real Life that's impossible. But as long as you keep your arm straight, you will be seeing the exact same effect in D3 (minus the fuzzy area shadows in real life). Depth perception plays a major role in how we percieve things.
Sure enough, I get a pass on that as I only have one good eye so no depth perception in real life or in game for me. ;)
Ylandro said:
That's NOT what is happening. Most apparant lights either
1. don't radiate at all, or
2. their attenuating is ridicilousy high, giving the same effect.

And that is exactly why the floor, which even with attenuated lights, SHOULD interact with a lots of lights, actually is reached by very few.

There's lots of cases, where close by apparant lightsources with high intensity, do not light and cast shadows at close by objects, while at the same time it is illuminated by some unclear far away lightsource.

Again: The apparant lightsources and their intensity, quite often simply don't match with the rendered shadows and illumination.

That is not a simple obvious attenuation problem.

NB: Just cutting of attenuated lights is acutally not as obviously acceptable as you think... Light traveling through air doesn't disappear into nothingness. Just the illumination area grow larger. 10 lightsources that illuminate adjactent area's, are not stronger than 10 lights that are placed far away and shine on the same area... You have to be VERY carefull with cutting off the area of effect of lightsources on the argument of attenuation.... In D3 it seems that that went wrong quite often.

OK, you seen to be the only one complaining about it...
I simply play a level, turn of some lights, walk to everyone of the smallest one and realize that they lit the weapon. Even the lights you are not suppose to reach (using noclip)...

Ylandro said:
Please explain! I'm apparanly too stupid for that.

Then, what is the point?