Finally played a game for once. I got interested in this because it's probably the harshest stability test for overclocks on the PC at this time. The CPU uses AVX which will crash unstable overclocks and it stressed the GPU heavily also.
I skipped The Tomb Raider and Rise so this was quite new to me. I read some reviews and where the knock was that it didn't evolve past those 2 games enough. That doesn't apply to me since I skipped the first 2. I really enjoyed the game and found the game length of 12-14 hours to be perfect. I don't have time for 50+ hours games these days.
- Graphics in low APL scenes, esp in tombs look great and close to realistic
- Really enjoyed the puzzle solving and platforming
- The escape sequences were also a ton of fun and required a sense of timing and direction
- A nice balance of shooting and stealth made it fun to experiment in battles
- Not too many cutscenes! A good balance that kept the story moving along
- With every setting maxed including SMAATX4AA < WTF, the game still stayed above 60fps with a 9900k @ 5.2ghz and 2080ti + 190 on core. GPU Mem OC does nothing in this game. 3440x1400. RTX barely add anything and isnt worth the performance his where the SMAATX4AA does a lot more for IQ. DLSS is a blurred mess so avoid that
- Very clean IQ. No shimmering, crawling, weird AA or pointy objects on clothes. No texture pop in
- In bright scenes and character close up, still looks like a cartoony game
- The outfits and their impact is trivial
- Side quests seems like a collectathon and not worth the time
- The RPG elements don't mean much. You can work your way upto a skill and then never get a chance to use it
- Final boss become cliche and really, could have ended without a "boss battle" and it'd be just fine
Overall, it's nice to play through a game and enjoy it. I won't be bothering with since DLC or going back to the game though. I've had my fun with it. Would recommend though. My first game I finished with AC:Origins.