Sega Rally Revo

There's a good deal of motion blur, mud particles, and I like the mud on the wheels. Other than that though ... it will mostly be about Sega being able to recreate the kind of playability that the original Arcade machine had. We'll see. I'd put my money on Dirt myself.
There's no ridiculous amount of AA, so it must be real (looks like 2x or something). :p

The motion blur is pretty distracting and not that great, but maybe it'll look better in motion. From what I can see, some of the shots also indicate tire tracks in the mud, and the car models look pretty nice too; the lighting on them makes them look ..."solid" and good ? There's self shadowing on the cars and between cars in that one picture.

And before anyone asks, it's coming to PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 according to their announcement last year.
Not very impressive graphics wise TBH, look at the tail pipe on the EVO in the first pic, polygon edges galore.