Search on image DATA, not just file name?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
I found this really bizarre website which claimed (in ye typical "blame the jews" tin-foil fashion) that there wasn't going to be an energy crisis, and that the Earth contains unlimited oil reserves, AND that Russians had developed (classified, of course) technology to drill super-deep wells to harvest this oil which was continuously being produced in the bowels of the Earth.

One image purported to be of one such drilling facility (and one of about thirty in fact), and I was thinking perhaps it actually pictured something completely different. However, not being able to search on the image name (as it was undoubtedly changed from the original), it would be impossible to find where it came from if there wasn't some program that could take the image data itself and search on that even if it's been cropped, re-scaled etc.

Of course, that'd be very complex, but also way cool. Sort of watermarking, but not in the same way. Anyone knows if there are any such programs (offline, I suppose, as online would demand enormous resources)?

Oh, and btw, I did verify the picture in question WAS of a Russian deep-drilling facility, Kola SG-3 in fact - because the author conveniently stamped that on the picture itself on his site - but of course that facility has nothing to do with oil extraction, from what I can tell anyway. :) (And THAT'S why it's called a CONSPIRACY!!! :LOL:)
Guden Oden said:
I found this really bizarre website which claimed (in ye typical "blame the jews" tin-foil fashion) that there wasn't going to be an energy crisis, and that the Earth contains unlimited oil reserves, AND that Russians had developed (classified, of course) technology to drill super-deep wells to harvest this oil which was continuously being produced in the bowels of the Earth.

Errr........ What's the website? I need a laugh...
I have a program that I use to organise my photos that purports to be able to find images that look alike. I've only tried it briefly, and I wasn't overly impressed with the results, but clearly it's something that someone has tried to do.

I'm not sure it would be useful if let loose on the Internet, there'd be a rather large number of images that fall into the "mostly flesh-coloured" category :D
The theory underlying how oil is formed at such enormous depths in the mantle of the earth is not central to this report, because the Russians have already proved its point of origin in absolute drilling terms more than 300 times. Those interested in the exact process should research the archives, where there are more than two hundred Russian papers on the subject.

:LOL: :LOL: Of course!
Guden Oden said:
if there wasn't some program that could take the image data itself and search on that even if it's been cropped, re-scaled etc.

Of course, that'd be very complex, but also way cool. Sort of watermarking, but not in the same way. Anyone knows if there are any such programs (offline, I suppose, as online would demand enormous resources)?
Something like this? It can, among other things search in images based on it's 'likeness' to other images.
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Guden Oden said:
Too bad there's no binary version tho. Gaaacckk. Never did bother to learn how to use a compiler, one of the major reasons I'm not particulary interested in any of the *ix/*ux OSes. :)
Under [insert popular distribution here] Linux the prebuilt packages should be rather easy do deal with. For Win32 the only binary option is the (extremely alpha) 0.1 wx-based 'lite' version. Image matching and a simple 'draw-search' is working, but beware og hangs and the data-cache growing out of all sensible propotions. Only useful for demonstration purposes.
Guden Oden said:
it would be impossible to find where it came from if there wasn't some program that could take the image data itself and search on that even if it's been cropped, re-scaled etc.
Did you by any chance read William Gibsons Pattern Recognition? :)
Nah, I read Neuromancer once (10+ years ago) and it turned me off his writing-style forever since. I don't think I've ever tried to plow through a more confusing and convoluted piece of text! :p No more Gibson for me...
bah, you weakling. :p

Pattern Recognition is basically about something like this. clips of video appear on the Internet, and the protagonist (along with a community) tries to figure out who made them. good stuff.