SDL_Gpu API, SDL 3.0 ... New cross-platform graphics API.


SDL 3.0 is out, or coming out, and it includes a new graphics API (SDL_Gpu). SDL is basically a cross platform SDK that's supposed to give you low-level access to hardware, like peripherals and now the GPU. How low? I'm not sure. It does NOT support ray tracing. Seems like it must be similar to vk3d-proton, so you write SDL_Gpu and it'll run on the native api of the platform (D3D, Metal, Vulkan). I'm not sure how much, or if it differs from bgfx, which is a cross-platform rendering library. The nice thing about SDL is it looks like it's supposed to target other hardware like peripherals, so maybe in combination with some other SDK you could easily make cross-platform games. I'm thinking something to handle file system, network or other OS-level tasks.

Doesn't seem like SDL 3.0 is out yet, but could be interesting. I'm really interested to see how it works for beginners. I've thought about learning wgpu as a simpler programming model to get into graphics. This might actually be a better path if I wanted to make little games.

For graphics alone bgfx is a lot more mature.

As an aside, I feel like vk3d-proton has sort of shown that you can get high-performance real-time translation of one graphics api to another, so a cross-platform api that translates to a "native" API at compile time should be close to "native" performance. Yah, there are going to be some limitations somewhere. But I kind of feel like maybe Vulkan is getting it wrong. Maybe Vulkan should have been an API that actually got translated to a real native GPU API like Glide. You write Vulkan and it gets translated into AMD, Nvidia, Intel native API. If it were open source, the GPU vendors could contribute their own updates to the back-end. Just a thought. Seems like it'd be easier than writing and maintaining d3d, vulkan and opengl drivers. Plus big game engines typically have an RHI that can target D3D, Vulkan, Metal, Playstation, Switch etc. Why not bake an RHI into the API.

Game->engine->engine-level RHI->engine-level "native" api implementation per platform ->driver per api (gpu vendor)
Game->engine->engine-level cross-platform API implementation ->API-level RHI -> API-level true native API implementation per vendor->native api driver (gpu vendor)

I guess shader languages become a problem, especially if each vendor wants their own ... but there are already a bunch so ... ?
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There's no way that SDL 3.0 is on the same abstraction level as VKD3D-proton since it has to target older APIs like D3D11. VKD3D-proton as a D3D12 to VK translation layer only works/performs well for ONE vendor (AMD) because of massive help from some corporation being able to closely develop a custom driver stack (AMDGPU/RADV) for it and the HW design nicely matches the fundamental design patterns of explicit APIs. The other vendors (Intel/NV) aren't well supported with VKD3D-proton since their drivers/compilers constantly crash and often hits the slow paths in their Vulkan drivers/hardware ...

IMO developers don't really need anything else outside of D3D12 (AAA PC/console games), Vulkan (mobile), or WebGPU (if the main audience is strictly adamant on needing a simpler interface and want official support for Apple platforms) depending on their case if they want to aim for cross-platform development ...

D3D12 and Vulkan with desktop graphics functionality extensions will get closer to each other in terms of functionality (for modern immediate mode graphics architectures) easing the driver maintenance burden between both. IHVs are potentially looking to retire OpenGL support sometime in the future within several years as is already somewhat the case for OpenGL ES with Google's ANGLE translation layer on some mobile devices. Fully featured desktop OpenGL emulation will get there eventually when translation layers are able to reach a point where all commercial/major/relevant software applications used through them functions on their own hardware/drivers with acceptable performance ...