Screamride demo will be playable in a few hours! (Feb. 17th) on both the Xbox One and X360.


Screamride is a game meant to make you feel the roller coaster thrills of those kinds of theme parks. They say the game is something like Screamride meeting Angry Birds and Trials. The game is apparently split into three types of gameplay, taking what's most exciting about running a theme park, where you can build coasters, and makes this the focus of an intricate blend of action, engineering and puzzle solving.

In Screamrider mode, you take control of the roller coaster car, and you must guide it around the track (controlling the throttle, the lean direction and the turbo boost) in the fastest time without killing the riders. ‘Engineer’ sees you building coasters to spec, using a limited amount of track to fulfil the requirements (again, you should keep everyone alive). Finally there is the "Demolition Expert" mode, which is about hurling riders in pods at a destructible range of high skyscrapers, in a sort of Angry Birds and golf game hybrid.


I'll be giving this a try tonight.

Not that interested in a career mode to be honest, what I'm really hoping for is a good local multiplayer tournament style game, in the vein of Burnout 3/4 crash zones.
Seems like a fun time waster, when you have any to waste. Anyone tried playing it off-line yet to see if the destruction takes any dips. LOL
I initially didn't think much of this game but after loading demo and spending 2 hours with it I must say I love it!
Great little time waster!
Biggest draw for me is destruction and this wicked sense of humour game is filled with!

On the negative side of things, performance can dip heavily in certain scenarios ...
I rather enjoyed the demo overall. Nice variety in the modes.

The roller coaster riding is more nuanced than I first thought, and should lead to some trials-style highscore challenges. Seems fairly basic though, so unless there are considerably trickier courses I can't see it having a great deal of longevity.

Construction mode is an interesting puzzle mode. Once built you have to tweak the roller coaster layout to ensure it will not collapse or throw riders once an automated cart rides the course. I would assume construction limitations/conditions will make the puzzle element harder as the game progresses.

The gem for me is destruction mode. It's much like Wrecketeer (which I really enjoyed) but has the potential for more devious level layouts and tricky challenge objectives within levels.

Framerate could definitely be better and the humour mostly falls flat, but it has the Flatout/Burnout party game vibe that I wanted.

I spend a lot of time couch gaming with friends, and these pass-the-controller high score type games are a staple of gaming nights. I just hope the local multiplayer is set up well (i.e. easy tournament setup, flexible playlists, etc.)