Any ideas when this will occur? Active PS3's return units in 5 days, so by then, all active PS3's will be updated. That should mean by this time next week, we get an average 1.1's performance. At the moment, from the current snapshot, PS3 is at 13 GFlops a unit (380 TFs / 29k PS3s). We should also see that average creeping up noticeably if performance has received a large boost.
Guys, please, the points are the only way to discern performance.
I think at this point it is quite clear that the speed increases have been very minor at best. The update probably allowed clients to download more kinds of projects to work on, which take less time to complete sometimes.
I see no other explanation. If it was truly a computational speed upgrade, I would have noticed speed improvements on my original packet once it upgraded, when I did not notice much improvement (a slight one only).
This also explains why Sony isn't trumpeting the "performance boost" more. Sorry guys.
Wow, Team B3D's output has seen a huge jump. I am still there at no 56.
Vijay Pande, creator of the Folding@home project, which harnesses the power of networked Playstation3s across the world to carry out essential research into Alzheimer's Disease, has revealed to Pro-G that the 360 is of limited help to his work.
After being asked if he thought the power of the 360 could be useful, he said: "Possibly, although the cell processor in the PS3 is much more powerful for our calculations than the CPU in the Xbox 360."
Giving details of how the power of the Playstation3 was useful to his research, Pande explained: "We are simulating key processes in protein folding and misfolding in Alzheimer's Disease. PS3's are performing aspects of these simulations, and doing so about 20 times faster than a typical PC."
Microsoft's console not as capable as PS3 when it comes to folding proteins
So the question becomes - How affectively can they use the Xbox 360 GPU (Xenos) compared to the Cell? Can Xenos achieve similar or better folding results?
Honest/factual opinions please …no fan*** pie-in-the-sky answers .
Moore is a sales guy right, answering a technical question?
But wouldn't that break more 360s?