Saving to the X360 hard drive, photos? MP3s?


I am not seeing the option on my x360 dashboard that would allow me to save digital photos on my X360 HDD.

Also it won't allow me to save MP3's directly to the HDD, but says it will allow me to Rip a CD to the HDD? Did they just disable the copy function for all USB devices?

Not allowing me to take digital photos that I took myself and save them to the X360 HDD seems completely pointless. Not allowing me to save MP3's to the drive seems almost as pointless.

If it's truly the case where you can't do either with the 360, then I wonder if it was a ploy to sell the WiFi adaptor and the whole 'streaming' function from a MS OS?

Shitty, if true. Of course, maybe I am just half asleep and there is something I have missed. Anyone know for sure?


The 360 isn't a storage device for all of your media (ie. pictures, mp3's, etc). It's a media hub for viewing and listening (kind of like D-Link's wireless media extender). If you want to store the stuff just put it on your computer and use Windows Media Connect to access it.
That's pretty much what I thought. The fact that the 360 IS a storage device for media (music ripped from CD) makes me think that MS totally geared this thing to sell Win XP and the WiFi adaptor at the expense of user convenience. There is no good reason why I should not be able to save some photos or MP3s on the machine's HDD. I can't even run a dashboard background without streaming it, or keeping a USB device plugged in at all times. Silly.

Oh well. Perhaps an OS upgrade is in the cards for the 360 somewhere down the line that will address this small issue.

Thanks for the response DeathKnight :)
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I'm pretty sure you can copy files from your PC using free Windows Media connect (which also allows you to stream from it)

don't know about USB
Sean*O said:
That's pretty much what I thought. The fact that the 360 IS a storage device for media (music ripped from CD) makes me think that MS totally geared this thing to sell Win XP and the WiFi adaptor at the expense of user convenience. There is no good reason why I should not be able to save some photos or MP3s on the machine's HDD. I can't even run a dashboard background without streaming it, or keeping a USB device plugged in at all times. Silly.

Oh well. Perhaps an OS upgrade is in the cards for the 360 somewhere down the line that will address this small issue.

Thanks for the response DeathKnight :)

The xbox360 was always designed as a media hub. The sole reason it can rip music from CDs is for soundtracks for games. Its NOT geared to sell WinXP and the WiFi adapter. If anything its geared to sell a computer with WinXP MCE (and Vista when it comes out) since THAT is what is supposed to be the server for the xbox360. The WiFi adapter has nothing to do w/ its storage capabilities.
Sean*O said:
I can't even run a dashboard background without streaming it, or keeping a USB device plugged in at all times. Silly.
Actually, when you make a picture your backround it does save it to the hard drive. I'm using one right now that's on there all the time regardless if I'm connected to my PC or not. Double-check it and maybe set the image as your backround again. It should work.
Thanks for the response DeathKnight :)
No problem.
DeathKnight said:
Actually, when you make a picture your backround it does save it to the hard drive. I'm using one right now that's on there all the time regardless if I'm connected to my PC or not. Double-check it and maybe set the image as your backround again. It should work.
Same here, selected a picture from my USB key as "background" and even without the USB key plugged in my background image is still there.
Yup, I was totally wrong about the background thing. It did save that image to my drive.

Got the wireless link working tonight. It's great for music, but the image transfer speed seems a bit slower than I expected. It may be some issue with my wireless router though. I still need to experament a bit in that area.