SATA HDD Failure to boot .. maybe CMOS .. help !



Just installed my new SATA HDD 3 days ago .. and everything was perfect .. and today installed my new SB Audigy2 ZS .. and ... now my Promise FastTrack 378 Controller (for the SATA HDD) wont even start the detection thing to recognize the HD when you boot up ... and the option is enabled in the BIOS ... and i was suspicious about an error in the bios so .. i've uptaded my bios .. and i saw ... CMOS Checksum Error ... The computer is working fine .. i'm writing this on it right now .. and the SBlaster is working fine too .. But the RAID Controller seems to be DEAD ... like i said .. the computer isnt even scanning it at the start for the detection of the SATA ...

My CMOS is toasted or ?? But my Bios might still work ? How exactly it works ? If it was my HDD ... the controller is still supposed to try scanning for the HDD no ? Or an error / incompatibilies somewhere can cause the controller not starting the detection ? I need some advices quick .. i can exchange any parts broken ..


I'd say obvious step one is to remove the new sound card and isee if things are fixed.
Try that and report back.
LOL .. Step one fixed the prob !!
Yeh i'm happy :D

But now, how to reinstall my new card w/o bugging everything out ? Do I need to put a specific IRQ or port or dunno what .. i did that already yeh but like 10 years ago .. everything in the motherboard are too different now .. i'm lost ! someone can guide me to reinstall the sound card correctly w/o incompatibilities ?

as always ! Thx Beyond Members !
lol ! tried ALL the PCI slots .. worked at the last one !! eh boy GREAT !

Thx again !

Step one worked the first attempt

Step two same thing !

DAmn it i LIKE this forum ! :D
