Sarah Silverman is hot! Do you have her phone numnber?

i wanna steal her from her boyfriend...just for a weekend, she has to leave on Sunday. tell her to bring some food too.

one reason i think she's hot, is because she said she didn't want to have kids. if she did, she would adopt them, probably a chinese baby. a boy one, cause she heard chinese girls were useless.

also i heard she was hairy.

she has a new movie out called "jesus..." and something or other.

isn't she hot?
A friend of mine and his ex-gf went separate ways just a week ago after some 5+ years relationship. Now the problem is, she wants to sleep with me (well, I knew it for some time, but now she was open about it). I'd actually like to sleep with her as well (she's VERY sexy) but I'm kinda torn between the feelings I have for my friend and my little friend's "GO FOR IT, DUMBASS!" calls. As far as I'm concerned, it won't happen after all. But what would you guys do in such situation?

same thing has happened (more than once to me). and with one friend more than twice with his ex's.

i always turn them down. manipulative/vindictive chicks (who would pull that stunt) are a turn off to me. most of them are, that's why it's so common. they use sex like a weapon. many in prison who shouldn't be i'd bet.
Yeah, she is hot, I had to scope her out on imdb when she was in "Something about Mary". She's got that certain something herself I think. Heh.

She's also very, VERY funny with some very, VERY, VERY non-PC humour. :)

I'm sure there are some clips floating around on the net of her Conan appearances, you guys should check them out.

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MPI said:
She's also very, VERY funny with some very, VERY, VERY non-PC humour. :)
That's non-PC humour? :???: Oookkkaaayyy....!!!! Seemed more like Victoria Wood material to me (my mum likes Victoria Wood!).

Was she drunk or stoned in that clip, or is she always like that?
She seems like a genuinely funny person to be around. I wonder if she completely fakes that drugged out voice or if there is some truth to it.
nutball said:
That's non-PC humour? :???: Oookkkaaayyy....!!!! Seemed more like Victoria Wood material to me (my mum likes Victoria Wood!).

Was she drunk or stoned in that clip, or is she always like that?

It might be different in the UK (I've never been there), but yes, here that is EXTREMELY non-PC humor. I'm surprised she didnt get sued for some of those things, it if wasnt for the fact that Conan is at midnight then I'm sure she could have been.
geez. high? that's high to you? no wonder you think drugs are such a problem! i think she's great! and hot. and i want to get her a chinese baby. anybody have one? there are sooo few of us enlightened ones out there. probably cause we don't like to have kids, that get exposed to those of you who don't 'approve' of us and like to beat us up about it...when in fact, we know you're clueless about such things. most things..all things actually, and completely unaware of it.

thanks for the clip.

i saw her lastnight on Leno i think. with tommy lee jones as another guest. he's a retard. like most. but he thought the chinese baby thing was funny.
Cartoon Corpse said:
i wanna steal her from her boyfriend...just for a weekend, she has to leave on Sunday. tell her to bring some food too.
I believe she's married to Jimmy Kimmelman.
Skrying said:
I'm surprised she didnt get sued for some of those things, it if wasnt for the fact that Conan is at midnight then I'm sure she could have been.
im not sure what she could have possibly have gotten sued for and im as conservative as it gets.

epicstruggle said:
im not sure what she could have possibly have gotten sued for and im as conservative as it gets.


i thought that scary as well. you're not sure is still scary. and i bet you advocate some legislation that makes it a certainty though.
Sued? For what she said or did in the clip posted? Are you guys nuts? What's next, you have to be blond and blue eyed? :p

She wasn't even that controversial. She was funny and cute. I'd definitely go for her, if only to deprive Cartoon Corpse... ;)

PS. I found nothing she said controversial or offensive. I am just "thinking for the masses here"...not to mention the "sensitive American masses and their puritan ways" heh.
nutball said:
Was she drunk or stoned in that clip, or is she always like that?
I'm curious about this too. I really doubt she was or even if she ever is. Lots of people fake that "attitude" to get away with things or flavor jokes.

Take a look at Emo Philips. LOL. (that's the "old" Emo Philips, btw)