Sander Sassen?

geo said:
The danger of having fathers with young children around. Apparently that whole amazing variety of bodily fluids and modalities of delivery thing has just ever so much more . . .relevancy and immediacy. . .in their lives.

P.S. Cool. First time I've gotten "modalities" off in awhile. . .

My post was indeed inspired by the fact that just this very Sunday, while driving to my aunt's countryside farmhouse an hour away, we had to pull over because Megan was experiencing such bad diarrhea that it was escaping from her diaper and her pants. Wonderful stuff, especially since we were going to my aunt's that morning for a big breakfast (eggs, sausage, bacon, pork chops, biscuits & gravy, etc.) with the family.

But how could you resist helping this little face?

Have I torpedoed this thread enough yet? Yea, it's intentional since I'm sick to my molars of talking about Mr. SS and his antics. :cool:


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Hey, I never said you shouldn't help 'em! I'm just glad it's no longer a 7 times a day thing for me.

Puppies are waaay neater than children, even 3 of them. ;)

But kids are a good thing, you find ways to make 'em enjoyable:


John Reynolds said:
Have I torpedoed this thread enough yet? Yea, it's intentional since I'm sick to my molars of talking about Mr. SS and his antics. :cool:
John, that's extremely impolite, especially you're in no way forced to even click on the thread in the main view. :devilish:

Stuff like that got chap banned, if you recall.
LOL Classic response, Diggie.

Guden, I didn't mean to rain on your SS parade. Feel free to discuss this thoroughly exhausted subject to your heart's content.
Guden Oden said:
John, that's extremely impolite, especially you're in no way forced to even click on the thread in the main view. :devilish:

Stuff like that got chap banned, if you recall.

Hmm. Ain't context wonderful? You can certainly argue he's thread crapping. On the other hand I could argue you are forum crapping on our perfectly fine and congenial General Discussion forum with your blatantly contentious 3D Graphics Industry thread in the first place. . . :devilish:
John Reynolds said:
I love getting negative reputation hits from people who've disabled rep on their own accounts.
How can you tell they're negative? I hate when I get repped from people who disabled rep and don't leave comments, it just sort of leaves me hanging when there is a grey box and no comment. :???:
digitalwanderer said:
How can you tell they're negative?

... because they disabled it?

Except for Dave I suspect, that's just him being professional/impersonal.
DiGuru said:
... because they disabled it?

Except for Dave I suspect, that's just him being professional/impersonal.

Err, I think he means how can you tell that reputation given to you from a member that has disabled their own reputation is negative? The assumption being it shows up as gray and doesn't impact rep points --is that assumption correct?

Edit: Come to think of it, I don't know what would happen if such a person flipped their rep back on, gave the negative rep, then flipped their own rep back off again. At the end of the process would it still be negative rep on the receiving end? That would seem, as they say, to be "not cricket". :LOL:

EditII: On the other other hand, if it doesn't impact rep points, then arguably it is still fulfilling one of the functions it was intended for --providing feedback out of public view that the Senior Member or Regular involved did not find the post appropriate for whatever reason they indicate in their comment.
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geo said:
EditII: On the other other hand, if it doesn't impact rep points, then arguably it is still fulfilling one of the functions it was intended for --providing feedback out of public view that the Senior Member or Regular involved did not find the post appropriate for whatever reason they indicate in their comment.
True, but I keep getting grey boxes which don't affect my rep WITHOUT comments....which raises more questions for me than it answers, y'know? :-|
From Senior Members? I get some of those from folks that don't have enuf posts/rep to affect (i.e. much less than senior members post-wise). If they are SM's, maybe they are unclear on how it works and think they are affecting your rep. But yeah, just a gray box and no comment is a puzzlement.

Now I'm taking Guden's thread sideways. . .do we need to go talk about this somewhere else, Guden?
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Well, my point is that if a person doesn't like the reputation feature and thus disables it for themselves, what are they doing then using it? Just seems like a rather cowardly thing to do.
geo said:
From Senior Members? I get some of those from folks that don't have enuf posts/rep to affect (i.e. much less than senior members post-wise). If they are SM's, maybe they are unclear on how it works and think they are affecting your rep. But yeah, just a gray box and no comment is a puzzlement.
Yeah, I didn't know some folks didn't have enough to affect rep but can still give it out...that's kind of goofy.

As for the disabled reppers giving rep:

John Reynolds said:
Well, my point is that if a person doesn't like the reputation feature and thus disables it for themselves, what are they doing then using it? Just seems like a rather cowardly thing to do.
Yup. ;)