Saint's row demo out

It's pretty cool. I'm glad they will have the option to make the main character looks like yourself (for the most part). It's a lot like GTA but with way more polish/detail.
I need remote access to my 360 via Live so that I can bring it out of standby and start a download, all via a web based interface. The demo would be waiting for me by the time I got home. Live Anywhere, or am I just dreaming? Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, any of you listening?
The animation is really good, imo. Volition have already said that the demo is from a pretty old build, and that the frame rate will be better in the final game.(too lazy to go dig up the quote).
Anyway, I'm definitely buying this.
I've heard a lot of developers claim framerates are better in the full game than in the demo, but I've never seen that actually pan out to mean good framerate in the full game. I was interested in seeing this game, but I can't say the demo has me interested in seeing more.
It's ok. It reminds me of playing GTA3 upscaled to 720p with AA and wacky ragdool physics. Just when you think the gfx are impressive you turn a corner and see 4 buildings using the same low res texture. The game has a very low contrast look to it. Nothing seems very defined. The color pallette is too soft or something. Just can't put my finger on it.

Don't get me wrong I dont think it's a bad game. I was just expecting more graphically. keep in mind I spent 45 minuters beating people with the bat and had a blast.

I also think this game could be a monster hit if it had buckets of blood in it.
I enjoyed this demo more than any GTA game on a console. The controls were so much better on foot than any GTA console game I have played. I really enjoyed getting the ocasional head shot on a driver of a car that was driving by. If they dial up the gore a little the main stream media will be all over this game probably making it a killer app lol.
Yeah, based on the previews i was expecting it to look a little better. The cutscene framerate is horrible and the tearing is the worst i've seen yet, the game itself is much better but these cutscenes dont look as if they should be causing such performance problems.

I didnt play it for too long because my kids were stil awake but it seemed like, well, GTA.

kyleb said:
I've heard a lot of developers claim framerates are better in the full game than in the demo, but I've never seen that actually pan out to mean good framerate in the full game. I was interested in seeing this game, but I can't say the demo has me interested in seeing more.

Agree. see: Full Auto
This game is OK. Anybody familiar with GTA can immediately jump in and play. Everything from the controls to the AI (or lack thereof) feels almost identical.

Differences from GTA:
-- The police are much more lenient. I beat like 20 people to death without getting the cops on me. Also, the police will easily give up on chasing you if you manage to get away.
-- Instead of having barriers that kind of make sense like in GTA, there is a glowing, red, transparent force field that keeps you inside your "zone".
-- Driving controls feel a lot tighter and less "floaty".
-- The physics are much more intricate, although not exactly lifelike. I kicked a dead woman in the crotch and the body went flying. It was hilarious.
-- Cars take a lot more damage before blowing up. Although there's the same progression of cosmetic damage->white smoke->black smoke->flames->car explodes.
-- The AI is even dumber. People will patiently sit there while you jack their car or beat up pedestrians 2 feet away.
-- For some reason there's no blood at all. I guess they wanted to keep it family-friendly.
Shark Sandwich said:
-- Instead of having barriers that kind of make sense like in GTA, there is a glowing, red, transparent force field that keeps you inside your "zone".

I don't have the demo, but maybe this is used because it's a demo and hence not all of the city is available?
Alstrong said:
I don't have the demo, but maybe this is used because it's a demo and hence not all of the city is available?

Well, on the map screen there are 3 different colored zones. Red, blue, and green. The demo takes place in the red zone and there's a glowing red barrier around it, so I think this is unfortunately part of the game.