I've just done a search for Konstantine Iourcha in the USPTO database, and it turns up a number of patents - one of which is this:
Method and apparatus for block based image compression with multiple non-uniform block encodings - the inventors are: "Iourcha, Konstantine; (San Jose, CA) ; Pomianowski, Andrew S.C.; (Palo Alto, CA) ; Koduri, Raja; (Santa Clara, CA). Raja and Andrew are at ATI at the moment, so it looks like Konstanine is as well.
It has, however, been pointed out to me that this could very well be a form of Compressed Multisampling - remember, ATI's colour compression only works with AA enabled.
There is an application that has Eric's name on it which may be more along the lines of the hints that Erice has been dropping:
Method and apparatus for sampling on a non-power-of-two pixel grid
"Using the present invention with 6 sample multisampling gives the same visual antialiasing quality as 8 samples using a prior art technique but uses less memory."
[Edit] Actually, this look like its just R300 MSAA as it refers to a 12x12 grid, which is what I'd calculated to sample grid to be for a while. There's also another Eric application that talks about super tiling - it seems that ATI are just very late in filing for patents on much of their R300 technology.