Rumurs on Sega's *possible* Hardware Re-entry

Megadrive1988 said:
Clue 7- Isn't kind of weird that Sega hyped up it's pre-e3 conference this year beyond belief, only for them to end up delivering the Matrix online?

Er, Sega did NOT hype up it's pre-e3 conference. That press announcement was meant only for invited guests, and NOT for everyone who enlisted to E3. The opposite happened. Someone screwed up and sent the announcement to everyone NOT invited.

And we are likely to hear something about Shenmue 3 near the ending of this year. :)
I'll like to see 2 new SEGA games, Virtua Tennis 3 and Golden Axe 2! Please let Sonic die SEGA, unless it's a totally new, revolutionary and never before though of type of game!
the main thing is, this rumored new Sega home machine would have to be a quantum leap beyond the Xenon & Revolution, while rivaling or even surpassing the PS3. much like the NeoGeo was a quantum leap beyond the TurboGrafx-16 & Genesis, while rivaling or even surpassing the SNES.

There's a very easy solution to that. It's called R A M ;)

A new SEGA highend high priced console would have at least twice the amount of RAM as any of the other consoles.
This would be a laugh to see happen. The only thing I will say is that I wish SEGA the best of luck in the future. The end of August is my time to leave. I really see no point in staying with a company whose views I no longer share.

If a new console is released then I hope it succeeds. But the way I see it right now is that it would be a ship to set sail only to sink 10 miles off shore. In other words, I doubt it will happen. SEGA is too jumbled right now and I don't see them being able to compete with any other console manufacturer. The industry is too crowded for four players, no need to add a 5th one in the mix.
Sonic said:
The industry is too crowded for four players, no need to add a 5th one in the mix.

Just curious who the fourth player is, I presume you mean the PC and not the Phantom? :D

Edit: Good luck with your new business! :p
Sonic said:
If a new console is released then I hope it succeeds. But the way I see it right now is that it would be a ship to set sail only to sink 10 miles off shore. In other words, I doubt it will happen. SEGA is too jumbled right now and I don't see them being able to compete with any other console manufacturer. The industry is too crowded for four players, no need to add a 5th one in the mix.

??? Nokia? Infinium Labs? Someone else?

And.... You're leaving Sega, have you found another opportunity? Or Sega is reducing its wage mass... Again?
Nothing to coment on decreasing wages or anything of the sort. I am leaving because I need to focus on my own business as it is struggling without my full focus on it.

I meant the PC but I'm not ruling out the possibility of another eletonics giant to do enter the market.
Sonic said:
I meant the PC but I'm not ruling out the possibility of another eletonics giant to do enter the market.

U know something we don't! ;) NEC re-entering would be a nice surprise as much as Sega with a SuperDuperHyperTastic PC-Engine! 8)
I was thinking more along the lines of Matsushita. I know nothing, but since there's so much money to be made I'm sure someone will attempt to enter the market.
This i one of those rumors that I wish where 100% true as it would be a great day if Sega ever returns to their buisness, but then the rational side of me kicks in a says that this is very unlikely... I wouldn't mind being proven wrong mind you.
Vysez said:
Sonic said:
If a new console is released then I hope it succeeds. But the way I see it right now is that it would be a ship to set sail only to sink 10 miles off shore. In other words, I doubt it will happen. SEGA is too jumbled right now and I don't see them being able to compete with any other console manufacturer. The industry is too crowded for four players, no need to add a 5th one in the mix.

??? Nokia? Infinium Labs? Someone else?

And.... You're leaving Sega, have you found another opportunity? Or Sega is reducing its wage mass... Again?

Samsung, Panasonic,...
Sega/Sammy perhaps between the next and the following generation of consoles... If they can make a profit in both the arcade as the home console department.
Home consoles is an entirely different world for Nokia, the risk would prove to be too great.
jvd said:
I would Buy a 800$ sega system and 75$ video games if they were arcade perfect.

jvd wrote in another thread

Anyway do u know how many pc games i would buy if they were 30$ each ?

I don't know about u guys but not only do i need to spend 500$ every two months on just the video card but then to pay 50$ a game leaves me pretty high and dry esp while paying for my new back.
