

Senior Lurker
Anyone on broadband using a good robust router/firewall?

I recently (couple of months) found this one: m0n0wall
It's a full featured distro that can run on many net appliances (soerkis and WRAP) as well as just about any PC (from either HD/CF or CD-ROM and floppy).

It's very solid. after playing with it awhile, I ditched my linksys router and am now using this.

It's running on an old p2-400 with 3 nics and 128MB of ram - runs great.
I'm also using it at one of the companies I work for, where it is running on a Sun v60x (sun intel system).

The cool features:

Traffic Shaping (assign priorities to various types of traffic - IE, P2P now is low priority so it doesn't affect anything else).

Comprehensive VPN support (supports PPTP, IPSEC , and OpenVPN). I am using both PPTP and IPSEC tunnels. Awesome stuff.

Excellent Firewall - it's a BSD based distro, so it's using the standard iptables type firewall that many commercial firewall boxes use (many of them run a BSD based os).

It also has just about any other feature I've ever seen on a linksys/dlink router, like DynDNS support, DHCP, DNS, etc.

It has a nifty bandwidth usage graph, and supports snmp so that you can use something like MRTG to give you nice graphs on utilization, etc.

I'm currentyl using the 1.2 beta 2 - its rock solid.

Try it out - you will like it, i think, and you can always use the CD/floppy combo to test it out on an old machine with almost no work.
hm, nifty. I've heard you can do similar things with the newest versions of the hacked WRT54G firmware from Sveasoft, but it looks like you have to pay to get that... rawr.
The Baron said:
hm, nifty. I've heard you can do similar things with the newest versions of the hacked WRT54G firmware from Sveasoft, but it looks like you have to pay to get that... rawr.
yeah, similar things, but the linksys is not as flexible or feature rich.
And there are free versions of firmware to enable things - wifibox, batbox, and others.

I just wanted to let people know what is out there.

Another nifty thing you can do with m0n0wall is enable a "captive portal" - the only thing users can do is hit one web page (anywhere they try to go, they get the one page) with a login, or TOS, or whatever to enable full access.