Review done with FarCry demo.

StealthHawk said:
John Reynolds said:
Heh, DX8 brought us shiny water and now DX9 is bringing us shiny pipes. Don't you just love technology? 8)

I'd actually like to know why so many game devs like to make everything in the environment overly shiny. It's like they think we live on a planet made entirely out of lustrous metal.

The funniest thing about Far Cry has got to be the shiny rusted pipes ;)

if you can't make it good , make it shiny
tEd said:
StealthHawk said:
John Reynolds said:
Heh, DX8 brought us shiny water and now DX9 is bringing us shiny pipes. Don't you just love technology? 8)

I'd actually like to know why so many game devs like to make everything in the environment overly shiny. It's like they think we live on a planet made entirely out of lustrous metal.

The funniest thing about Far Cry has got to be the shiny rusted pipes ;)

if you can't make it good , make it shiny

someone should just go ahead and make a 100% shiny game, everything in it can be shiny

bling bling
Brent said:
someone should just go ahead and make a 100% shiny game, everything in it can be shiny

bling bling
I'm hoping to be able to figure out a shader that can do that and just make all the textures in a game various shades of chrome for my shader contest submission. 8)
MrGaribaldi said:
I seem to recall they being set at High... Guess I'll just have to load it up again and check.(Luckily I didn't uninstall i last night as I wasn't too impressed by it...)

Sorry, seems to have uninstalled and deleted the install files...
But as Fallguy says, it must've been with High, since with Very High it's using both PS2.0 and PS1.1....
StealthHawk said:
John Reynolds said:
Heh, DX8 brought us shiny water and now DX9 is bringing us shiny pipes. Don't you just love technology? 8)

I'd actually like to know why so many game devs like to make everything in the environment overly shiny. It's like they think we live on a planet made entirely out of lustrous metal.

The funniest thing about Far Cry has got to be the shiny rusted pipes ;)

I guess you've never worked in the industrial field, most complexes paint their pipes, and hot steam is usually color coded RED, water Blue etc...who said it was rust. The 1st screen shot does look like a rust effect although light would still reflect off the paint, the second shot looks like painted red pipes.
I agree the shine is overused, but I assume that is what the developer artist wants for atmosmphere.
btw, new level for the demo is out. Posted a thread in the games section. Pretty fun.. am looking forward to this game.
Here is somthing to think about. In the outdoorare, it looks like alot of PS1.1 is being done. A 9700PRO beats the 5950 in the same place so could the PS1.1 to 1.3 have slow down problems? From what I have seen in other game that have many PS 1.1 shaders in it, The FX slow down but the R3xx don't.
So someone benched the Painkiller demo?

I know the game doesn´t have any save button, but even for a TWIMTBP game, i find that the Radeon is faster in this game.

I checked the shader usage and i find that uses only PS1.1 and VS1.1. Maybe i´am wrong because i only checked the first level, but i feel the Radeon a way faster...

Also i find that this game is very fill rate limited and the bandwith doesn´t have much importance... i checked that overclocking the card.
Using 'Marko Dolenc's Fillrate Tester' you can compare the Pixel Shader performance of the 5950 Ultra againt the 9800 Pro.

Display adapter: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5950 Ultra
Driver version:

PS 1.1 - Simple - 938.785889M pixels/sec
PS 1.4 - Simple - 885.801453M pixels/sec
PS 2.0 - Simple - 597.972290M pixels/sec
PS 2.0 PP - Simple - 889.860535M pixels/sec

Display adapter: RADEON 9800 PRO
Driver version:

PS 1.1 - Simple - 1490.001465M pixels/sec
PS 1.4 - Simple - 1489.969727M pixels/sec
PS 2.0 - Simple - 1489.969849M pixels/sec
PS 2.0 PP - Simple - 1489.980469M pixels/sec
PeterAce said:
Using 'Marko Dolenc's Fillrate Tester' you can compare the Pixel Shader performance of the 5950 Ultra againt the 9800 Pro.

Display adapter: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5950 Ultra
Driver version:

PS 1.1 - Simple - 938.785889M pixels/sec
PS 1.4 - Simple - 885.801453M pixels/sec
PS 2.0 - Simple - 597.972290M pixels/sec
PS 2.0 PP - Simple - 889.860535M pixels/sec

Display adapter: RADEON 9800 PRO
Driver version:

PS 1.1 - Simple - 1490.001465M pixels/sec
PS 1.4 - Simple - 1489.969727M pixels/sec
PS 2.0 - Simple - 1489.969849M pixels/sec
PS 2.0 PP - Simple - 1489.980469M pixels/sec
I'll chime in here because everyone knows how unbiased I am. ;)

The 5950 is at a disadvantage in this test because I believe it is only using a simple one instruction shader. If the test were using two instructions, I think the 5950 would fare better.

See? Even I can provide useful information.
OpenGL guy said:
I'll chime in here because everyone knows how unbiased I am. ;)

The 5950 is at a disadvantage in this test because I believe it is only using a simple one instruction shader. If the test were using two instructions, I think the 5950 would fare better.

See? Even I can provide useful information.
what a liar.
Everyone knows who you work for!
stop spreading FUD.
Yeah, imagine someone from ATI mentioning that a test favors their architecture. The nerve. You'd think he was honest or something.

--Hold on, maybe he is. :)

Now if Nvidia employees could just start coming here and doing the same thing...
OpenGL guy,

Thanks for the info re: number of instructions (I wasn't aware of that).

Your post shows what a honest guy you are. :)