haha indeed. While I obviously know that categorizing a game as AAA comes down to it's budget and production values + marketingYou make a fair point my friend on all counts. All I'd say as a counterpoint is that if that is your barometer of AAA quality, Returnal smashes it with gustohousemarque clearly set out to do a particular thing and for the most part did it very well, especially with that added expectation of moving beyond the scope of their normal very small arcade esque origins.
In general, I feel like playstation needs more diversity these days. Cutting off Japan studio made sense as it was a mess for a decade, but expanding studios with different genres like fighting games, new racers, fps, action titles of the like would go a long way.
In the PS3 era Sony made a lot of different kinds of games. Some successful some not. But they were much more daring.
Some might argue that the rise in dev costs inevitably means sticking to bread and butter success and that Sony is simply doing what they always have done, leaning heavily on third parties for their brands appeal, which I don't neccisarily disagree with.
But in the era of the aquisition war when MS has made clear they are trying to eat as many third parties as possible, diversifying your own studios and making what you make as broad and varied as possible means a lot more I think than before. I'm just speaking as a consumer here which I think would make the industry in general more appealing and interesting having more players try more things.
Returnal is definitely a AAA game in my own personal view. I love it.

Returnal is definitely a game worth touting. It doesn't fall into the AAA category, and in truth hits closer to AA... but it has an undeniable quality to it, and a feeling that the devs accomplished exactly what they set out for, which elevates it above.