Resources on Gamma


I've some links to learn about this but I'd appreciate whatever you guys can suggest as additional research material.

It's a debatable* topic when it comes to graphics quality. For a non-contrasty app/game, I'd like to learn more about this for development purposes.

Thank you in advance and hope you win an e-bay auction to date Maria Sharapova sometime in the future.

*read "debatable" as "much discussed".
Hmmm if you have a FP framebuffer with an FP RAMDAC quality would be the same of course if you don't and the gamma is done before insertion into the framebuffer (or after extraction from framebuffer) then you get quality loss of course from reduction of possible bitspace.

I'm just puzzled what you are wanting to learn exactly (for a better clue on research materials of course).
micron said:
[maven said:
] lets you play around with gamma-correctiona and sRGB textures. I don't think you can set manual (global) gamma-ramps, though...
I'm hoping for another demo out of you [maven], even if it has a tricky benchmark mode ;)
One day... ;)
But starting a PhD (not at uni, though) has not really helped my spare time (split between games, anime, and books there's little time and inspiration for code). But I have learned that these things come and go in phases, so I'm not worried yet. :D