Resident Evil and Street Fighter 4 3DS.

Looks a lot better than RE4 to me. Can't wait to see some actual gameplay.

First of all have you PLAYED RE4?? Second did you actually WATCH the video for RE for 3DS???

The lighting looks better but that's about it. Watch the cutscenes, they don't look a lot better than RE4 cutscenes. They look clean because it looks to be direct framebuffer grabs. Also ingame RE4 has great water tech, fire effects as well as boss models with quite good polys. Lets see some ingame stuff before prematurely declaring it looks "alot better"...
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The lighting looks better but that's about it. Watch the cutscenes, they don't look a lot better than RE4 cutscenes. Also ingame RE4 has great water tech, fire effects as well as boss models with quite good polys. Lets see some ingame stuff before prematurely declaring it looks "alot better"...
True. But this is just a demo/trailer, not to mention something slapped together within 2 months. Given more time and optimization, I'm pretty sure it will look much better than this trailer.
First of all have you PLAYED RE4?? Second did you actually WATCH the video for RE for 3DS???

The lighting looks better but that's about it. Watch the cutscenes, they don't look a lot better than RE4 cutscenes. They look clean because it looks to be direct framebuffer grabs. Also ingame RE4 has great water tech, fire effects as well as boss models with quite good polys. Lets see some ingame stuff before prematurely declaring it looks "alot better"...

Those were old demos when the grim reaper guy was chasing him around in a mansion. Game changed a lot since then and needless to say the final build didn't look nearly as good. Perhaps some it's a bit higher poly but the 3Ds video looks a lot better tech wise (lighting, shadows, shading, etc..). And nothing premature about it - I was clearly judging the video not the final game.
Those were old demos when the grim reaper guy was chasing him around in a mansion. Game changed a lot since then and needless to say the final build didn't look nearly as good. Perhaps some it's a bit higher poly but the 3Ds video looks a lot better tech wise (lighting, shadows, shading, etc..). And nothing premature about it - I was clearly judging the video not the final game.

Doesn't matter if they were old demos, the point is they look VERY good. Whether the final game looked better than the old videos is irrelevent since the final game had MUCH more going on and more open spaces. Also I find it hilarious that from that mediocre cutscene video you are claiming that it's technically better looking. It's friggen 3 characters onscreen with low polygons, and no background.:LOL:

Why don't you play RE4 on a good monitor to see how good the environments and bosses are. Now if you really want to see a good looking cutscene watch the QTE fight between Leon and Krauser. There is nothing in this 3DS game that can touch that visual quality. I think you're being blind by SHINY SHINE
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Doesn't matter if they were old demos, the point is they look VERY good. Whether the final game looked better than the old videos is irrelevent since the final game had MUCH more going on and more open spaces. Also I find it hilarious that from that mediocre cutscene video you are claiming that it's technically better looking. It's friggen 3 characters onscreen with low polygons, and no background.:LOL:

Why don't you play RE4 on a good monitor to see how good the environments and bosses are. Now if you really want to see a good looking cutscene watch the QTE fight between Leon and Krauser. There is nothing in this 3DS game that can touch that visual quality. I think you're being blind by SHINY SHINE

By technically, I meant the lighting, shading, shadows (of which RE4 was basic and lacking) looked better. Also it does matter that it was an old video, since obviously there's a difference between that build and what came out in the end. Those might have looked very good but the final game didn't live up to that quality. And I wasn't talking about open spaces, but what's been shown so far - perhaps RE4 will outshine it in some areas but if the quality of the final game is anything like the screens and trailer, then at least on the surface it'll be better.
By technically, I meant the lighting, shading, shadows (of which RE4 was basic and lacking) looked better. Also it does matter that it was an old video, since obviously there's a difference between that build and what came out in the end. Those might have looked very good but the final game didn't live up to that quality. And I wasn't talking about open spaces, but what's been shown so far - perhaps RE4 will outshine it in some areas but if the quality of the final game is anything like the screens and trailer, then at least on the surface it'll be better.

Man I honestly get tired of people who have this delusional idea about why the final RE4 game didn't look like the canceled version as if the canceled game was somehow impossible.:LOL: Why the hell would Capcom waste money and time developing a game that could not be run on the GC???:rolleyes:

As I said the canceled version was based on the traditional 1 or 2 zombies in small enclosed corridors in a mansion so of course it's going to have much more memory and processing power used for better textures and correct shadow silhouttes etc of which you can see in the Progenitor Virus trailer. It also had correct and realistic shading eg Leon's leather jacket looks like leather with a sheen on it while his skin didn't have shiny tanning

This 3DS game looks not so great. sure the colors are more's called art direction, but everything has this stupid SHINY SHINE to it and low poly low texture rez galore! As to what's been shown so far? Um...there's not much that's been shown other than a cutscene video with 3 low poly characters on screen, low res textures and no background with some fancy per pixel lighting and/or bloom effect.:LOL: BTW where is this super special shadow and shading that you vaguely speak of with nothing to back it up???

Lets not even mention the graphics of the ship and ocean waves which look WEAK compared to the lake stuff in RE4. This 3DS game just doesn't look all that great compared to RE4 on GC. It's got some fancy lighting but that's about it. If that's all it takes for you to conclude that it looks better then I'm done with this conversation...enjoy your shiny shine graphics...
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Its funny to see you mention the old games by saying:
Doesn't matter if they were old demos, the point is they look VERY good
As I said the canceled version was based on the traditional 1 or 2 zombies in small enclosed corridors
And then retract your same view when mentioning Revelations by saying:
It's friggen 3 characters onscreen with low polygons, and no background.

Even more so when considering that you too are judging it on the basis of that very same small video.
The point is, it doesn't matters what the older games did & the new game doesn't, its that this one looks to have superior shading, lighting,shadowing. EOS
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Does it really matter if it has low poly models when they look that good?

Yes it does and no it doesn't look that good...

I've downloaded and watched that WMV clip and it doesn't look as good as the Progenitor Virus trailer...

Good lighting isn't enough to outweigh low polys and low rez textures. Of course on a small screen it might not matter...we will see.
Man I honestly get tired of people who have this delusional idea about why the final RE4 game didn't look like the canceled version as if the canceled game was somehow impossible.:LOL: Why the hell would Capcom waste money and time developing a game that could not be run on the GC???:rolleyes:

As I said the canceled version was based on the traditional 1 or 2 zombies in small enclosed corridors in a mansion so of course it's going to have much more memory and processing power used for better textures and correct shadow silhouttes etc of which you can see in the Progenitor Virus trailer.

You just contradicted yourself here. Anyway, I think you took it a bit too personally to be honest. We will just have to agree to disagree.
Err..I didn't contradict myself, you're just not following the logic. Lets summarize shall we?

1. You keep harping on the fact the canceled version of RE4 was a demo as if it matters. I said it DOES NOT MATTER because the GC is able to run the demo AS SEEN with ALL of those nice effects since there are only a couple enemies onscreen and enclosed environments. In other words you concede that the demo looks better than the 3DS otherwise why would you bring up the point that the final game had downgraded shadowing and didn't look as good etc?

2. I ask you where is this uber shadowing that you vaguely mention in the 3DS game. You didn't answer presumably because there isn't any uber shadowing just one scene with no background and a overhead spot light and a simple shadow.

3. I say the textures and polys suck in the 3DS cutscene video even though you claim the cutscene looks better than RE4.

4. I say the cutsene has some fancy lighting/bloom but overal looks bad compared to the cutscene in the Progenitor trailer.

5. You say the Progenitor trailer was just a demo. I say I already explained why it DOES NOT MATTER.

6. You say I contradicted myself without explaining how

7. I say you can't follow the logic

My logic goes like this:

IF the 3DS cutscene looked better than the Progenitor cutscene then you'd have a point, but it doesn't so your point fails. IOW both are cutscenes with enclosed environments and shows what the respective hardware could do without a bunch of enemies onscreen at once.

Progenitor cutscene:

Much higher poly models
Much higher quality textures
Great lighting and realistic shading
Nice full character shadow

RE 3DS cutscene:

Lower poly models
Lower quality textures
Great lighting unrealistic shading
Basic shadowing

Two opposing opinions, one based on grounded facts the other based on vague claims. If you don't agree that's fine. I've already laid down the facts everyone can decide for themselves whether or not it looks better.
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