Resident Evil 4 Vs Halo 2

On a pure technical level, which one is better?

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Deepak said:
ChryZ said:
:oops: 17:8 for RE4 ... I am sure Mikami-san is on the way to his boss to ask for a big, fat rise.

Everyone wants to see underdog win. :p Idea :idea: , we should have a Killzone vs MP2 vs H2 thread.

If thats the case, then we're discrediting RE4! :devilish:
london-boy said:
There are non-serious ones....?
Certainly. Like Timesplitters. There are some that are goofy enough or styled right for console play/split screen gaming. Ones that can survive being a "party FPS." Halo isn't among them, which means that I'd have to wait for Halo 2 to come out, and by the time it's been delayed to PC it'll probably be old hat. (I don't see it coming out in less transition time than Halo, that's for sure.)
How could anyone make an informed decision based on the isolated stills and blurry/blocky videos available to us? It's not possible to tell which game is TECHNICALLY better, as we haven't the faintest what each title does on a technical level. Besides, they are on different platforms with different capabilities, hardly making for a good comparison...

If the question had been, "which do you think looks prettiest"[/i} or somesuch it would have been better, but without having played through both games it's still impossible to tell for sure.
Good question Guden. This is obviously a board popularity contest. I would like to see a technical break down of both engines and a discussion wts to the particulars.

-btw does RE4 have a physics engine?
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